Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1094 Survival Guide in the End Times

The girl's limbs were all chained to restrain her movements, preventing the zombie virus from mutating and spreading, turning into irrational zombies.

Yi Ran can still take small actions, but any drastic action, such as leaving this room, is forbidden.

Father Yi looked distressed, and said solemnly, "Jiang Jige and Mu Ke haven't left the base recently."

Hearing the name of the abomination, Yi Ran's eyes moved, showing a little expression.

Yi's father pretends to be lenient and compassionate, but he is definitely not a magnanimous person. It is impossible for him to let the other party go lightly after suffering a loss. He temporarily does not move Ji Ge because it is too obvious that it is difficult to do it in the base. He is going to find an opportunity for Ji Ge and Mu Ke to go out to do a mission, and disguise it as an accident.

After all, the base is not a place where Yi's father can cover the sky with one hand.

Yi Ran's voice was hoarse, and she asked her father, "When will we do it?"

She is in hell and wants to drag others down with her.

"Ran Ran," Yi's father comforted Yi Ran patiently, "Just wait a little longer."

Yi Ran's gray eyes were fixed on Father Yi, she was not in a good mood, her thoughts were in a trance for a moment, her expression was a little dull, and she nodded indistinctly after a while.

Father Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

The whereabouts of Ji Ge and Mu Ke were reported to Yi's father by his subordinates, and they went out every day.

Ji Ge behaved very quietly and rarely left the apartment, but somehow he hooked up with the base chief. Yi's father saw the information presented by his subordinates, and the base chief seemed to regard Ji Ge differently, so he made a decisive decision and could not continue to delay.

Knowing that Ji Ge was looking for someone, he forged a piece of false information, which forced Ji Ge to leave the base and accept the mission he had prepared for her.

And Mu Ke was dispatched out of the base by Yi's father one day ago, and Ji Ge received the task of leaving the base alone.

Both Luo Qi and Cheng Yi were dismissed by Yi's father to ensure the success of the plan.

The off-road vehicle drove out of the gate of the base.

Ji Ge leaned on the window and looked out. Although Luo Qi and Cheng Yi had temporary affairs and did not accept the same task as her, the teammates who accompanied her to receive the task were members of Luo Qi's team.

Ji Ge didn't quite understand the rest of them, but one of them appeared in the plot. If Ji Ge remembered correctly, the other party seemed to be from Yi's father's side.

Ruoyou glanced at the other party, thinking to herself, it seems that Yi's father still has not given up his plan to do something to her.


The off-road vehicle stopped at the destination.

Ji Ge got off the car.

Their mission this time is to rescue, to rescue the survivors in a certain park. According to intelligence, the place has been surrounded by zombies, but there are still many survivors.

Someone escaped at risk and sent a distress signal to the base.

In order to recruit supernatural beings more effectively, the Shuguang base used Dawn Shuguang as its signboard. The situation of being surrounded by zombies was widely publicized. It was impossible for the base to back down because of the zombies, and it hung up high-level tasks.

Ji Ge came here because he received information, and it is said that he saw Mother Jiang.

The description given by the other party is very similar to Mother Jiang in all aspects, but I haven't seen anyone, so I can't say it is absolute.

She moved her fingers down and held the gun worn at her waist. The young girl was neatly dressed, with slightly round smiling eyes, a small and delicate face, and a soft and beautiful outline, looking easy to bully.

A supernatural person in the team secretly raised his vigilance.

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