Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1098 Survival Guide in the End Times

Chapter 1098 Survival Guide in the End Times (54)

The dagger was sent into Yi Ran's heart, and Ji Ge lowered his eyes, clearly watching the girl's eyes fixed on fear.

The bloody dagger was carefully wiped clean, and Ji Ge finished Yi Ran neatly, not intending to torture her any more.

Yi Ran's zombification is irreversible, and death is a kind of relief for her.

Although she would never like to be freed in this way.

The girl walked around Yi Ran briskly and walked up to Cheng Yi with a smile on her face, "How's the situation over there?"

She asked vaguely, but Cheng Yi knew that Ji Ge was asking about the situation of the base chief.

"Very well." Although the signal was disturbed, Cheng Yi and the base chief had their own means of contact, and when Mu Ke agreed to them, he focused on ensuring Ji Ge's safety. In order to reassure him, Cheng Yi and the base chief every There will be a contact every once in a while.

Dawn Base.

Although it is the end of the world, the Yi family still maintains the pre-apocalyptic living habits and recruits servants to clean up. At this time, the servants who are used to working in the Yi family are all guarded by the supernatural beings, with a dazed look on their faces. frightened.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Mu Ke slightly raised his eyelashes. The strong smell of blood permeating his nose made him feel disgusted subconsciously. The boy stood calmly in the basement, and all the supernatural beings walked around him in awe. In the previous actions, the fighting power displayed by the boy Too amazing, enough to deter them.

The young man's wrist is loosely surrounded by a circle of green, like a slender bracelet, which bites and binds the cold white wrist bones, and also looks like a strange and beautiful pattern that grows naturally, imprinted on his snow-white and tender skin and bones, magnificent and beautiful.

The pitch-black pupils occasionally leaked a trace of emotion, indifferent and cold.

Like an emotionless monster.

The head of the base looked calm, and patrolled under the protection of the supernatural beings around him.

Yi's father has been taken down, and the secret hidden in Yi's family has been revealed to everyone in an open state. The infusion tube leads to the laboratory, and the liquid of unknown composition is injected into the bodies of zombies and supernatural beings.

The base chief was heartbroken and left the laboratory with a sigh.

Yi's father is a lunatic, and he is also a lunatic who dares to do anything and takes action when he thinks of it. He secretly captures zombies and people with supernatural powers to conduct various illegal experiments, and wants to control the zombies for his own use.

The experiments had been slow so far, but he had already killed a dozen psychics.

These are not allowed by the base.

He stepped out of the laboratory with heavy brows and eyes, but he quickly got rid of this useless regret. He sensed the fear of the supernatural being left outside, raised his eyes slightly to look at Mu Ke, and said with a smile, "Mu Ke , Miss Jiang will return safely soon."

The silent boy looked at him, and hummed to make it clear.

He was indifferent, and the head of the base didn't care. Mu Ke didn't agree with this plan at first, but Ji Ge tried to persuade him, otherwise the boy would not have left Ji Ge's side.

Girls don't have supernatural powers, so even if their combat power is not low, they won't be easily hurt, but what if.

Mu Ke didn't dare to gamble on that eventuality.

As the base chief said, Ji Ge and Cheng Yi came back together.

The vehicle they were riding in drove unimpeded and drove straight into the center of the base.

Seeing Ji Ge, the corners of Mu Ke's lips just curled up a bit, but she felt a little bloody smell from her body, and his expression suddenly became tense, "Ji Ge, are you injured?"

"A little injury." The girl spread her hands, and the scratches on her palms were revealed in front of Mu Ke. She knew that the other party would not be relieved if she didn't show it to Mu Ke, so she quickly put it away after showing it, and stared at it not far away. base chief.

(End of this chapter)

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