Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1100 Survival Guide in the End Times

Ankle climbs up to a soft touch.

Ji Ge looked down, the emerald green vines lightly wrapped around her ankles, as if encircling a fragile flower, for fear of crushing it, the force was unimaginably light.

"I also like the silent song."

The young man leaned close to her, rubbing his tender cheeks against the girl's side face. After staying with Ji Ge for a long time, the boy who was originally pure and clean, but who would only be at a loss when Ji Ge was intimate, has grown a lot, and the snow-white finger bones slowly pressed against her softness The earlobe, that small piece of flawless snow was gently rubbed, evoking a slight tremor, the arc was so small that it was almost ignored, but for Mu Ke who was familiar with Ji Ge's reaction, it was quite obvious.

"Mu Ke..." The girl was forced to swallow the second half of the sentence, the fire was diverted, the corners of her slender lips were bitten, and the cold white fingertips brushed her thin back.The kissing time was too long, and she was a little hypoxic, so she could only pant and hug the person in front of her tightly, in a dependent posture, being hugged tightly by the teenager.She gave him a blank look, and angrily stretched out her hand to push Mu Ke.

Without pushing, the white fingertips were still being held, and the delicate kiss fell down, as if dropping an indelible mark, the wet and soft ones meandered all the way, and finally contained the fingertips, and the tips of the teeth caught the thin phalanx, not lightly Grind lightly.

"I like it very much." He murmured softly in his ears, a little lust appeared in his deep eyes.

Mu Ke is quite keen on this kind of intimate game.

The girl glared at him angrily, ground her teeth angrily, then opened her mouth and bit down.

She was not strong, but Mu Ke didn't stop her. On the contrary, the collar of the young man was pulled loose, revealing the delicate white cold collarbone. He leaned back slightly, supported the bed sheet with his palms, and said slowly, "Ji Ge, bite harder .”

The long and narrow eyes were slightly curved, with pleasant and beautiful arcs. The corners of the young man's slender lips curled into a line, and his smile was seductive, full of lingering emotions. Che Leng's voice was soft and sticky, "Leave a mark."

Ji Ge stopped biting, and stared straight at Mu Ke, holding the young man's cheeks with his fingers to discourage him, "Mu Xiaoke, you are getting more and more perverted."

She let go, leaving a light red mark on the young man's white and tender skin, Ji Ge poked again, this is a problem with Mu Ke's physique, a little more force would make his skin turn red easily, she was scared at first for fear of poking the target of the attack, Now it is very calm.

Mu Ke pursed her lips and smiled, but said nothing.

Mother Jiang was worried at the beginning that Mu Ke was not easy to serve, and lost her temper with Ji Ge, but after a few days, it turned out that the pampered young master was the one who was oppressed.

Because Jiang's mother's health is not very good, Ji Ge can only temporarily give up the plan to leave the Shuguang base, and is going to talk about leaving after Jiang's mother recovers. Xu Zhi and Xu Xu sisters have always listened to Ji Ge's words, and did not Express objections to Jika's plan.

Ji Ge and Mu Ke stayed in the Shuguang Base for a few more months until people sent by Mr. Mu and Aunt Mu came to find them.

As more and more points tasks are completed, the reputation of Mu Ke and Ji Ge is getting bigger and bigger in the end of the world. Although the news circulation of the major bases is blocked, there will still be communication, and Mr. Mu has not given up since the end of the world. Thinking of finding someone, he sent a special person to look for Mu Ke.

The other party had inquired about the situation of Ji Ge and Mu Ke, and the person they sent to pick them up was a helicopter that could carry multiple people.

Ji Ge met Mu Ke's relatives.

Mr. Mu is old and mentally weak, so it was Aunt Mu who came out to greet them. She was a three-point similar to Mu Kesheng. She was a cold beauty with a cold temperament. At this moment, her expression softened, "Xiao Ke, welcome back."

(End of this chapter)

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