Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1112 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

"you are sick."

Ji Ge wanted to push her away, but she took this opportunity to peck and kiss the girl on the cheek, and when she was discovered, she just raised her eyes in a daze and smiled at her.

— can't be angry.

With a cold face, Ji Ge went outside to pick up a few dryads and came back, standing in the palace with his hands folded, and asked the dryad condescendingly, "Can it be cured?"

The aura belonging to the dragon spread out heavily, carefully bypassing the sick human princess, but the dryad who was afraid of the dragon trembled in fright, and uttered a series of chattering words tremblingly.

Aiweisi couldn't understand, but Lone Song could understand the dryad's words, and his face suddenly sank.

Sensing that Olivia seemed to be angry, the dryad crawled down tremblingly.

"Olivia," perhaps because of illness, the girl's voice became much lower, as if she was holding a piece of sugar, which melted sticky and sweet. She hugged the black dragon from behind, and her slender fingers pinched the girl's waist curiously. , unconsciously caressing it, the black dragon prototype is terrifying and mighty, but it has no deterrent effect in human form, the waist is very thin, and Ai Weiss can hold it with folded hands, "Are you angry for me?"

Her eyes were shining brightly, and she leaned over softly and obediently.

——How do you feel that the goal of the strategy is not to be sick, but to drink fake wine.

Ji Ge restrained her breath, hummed, she turned her face, the girl's shiny forehead was attached to the girl's slightly pointed and delicate chin, she was unresponsive, let her pinch her cheek, and murmured, "There is no way."

Dragons basically don't get sick, so Jige doesn't have much experience in dealing with illness, and dryads can take care of sick and injured animals. However, humans are different from animals, and the healing magic that dryads can have is completely ineffective on Ivis.

Ji Ge patted Aiweisi on the shoulder, bent his eyes, "Have a good sleep, and you'll be fine when you wake up."

The girl hummed in a low voice, and the silent song ignited a magic flame in the palace, so it was not cold in the palace, even if she only moved around in her nightgown, it would be fine.

The high fever weakened the spirit of the human princess, she soon fell asleep, yawned, her consciousness became chaotic, she seemed to be wrapped in softness, the velvet cloak tightly wrapped the tall and slender girl, she faintly heard the dragon helplessly Sighed, like coaxing a child, with a soft tone, "Sleep, my princess."

When Aiweisi woke up, the fever had subsided, and she was still a little uncomfortable, but the whole body was almost recovered. The girl was lying on the soft bed, holding her arms in a daze, remembering what she had done yesterday while taking advantage of the fever. , her cheeks turned a little red.

She shook her head to divert her attention, and then she didn't know when she was no longer in the empty and cold palace of the Dragon Clan. What she saw was a warm and simple log cabin, the windows were half open, and there were green trees shaking outside, chattering. The crisp birdsong came to my ears, full of vitality.

Aiweisi was slightly stunned, was she sent out of the Dragon Valley?

What about Olivia?

Ai Weiss couldn't find anyone, and she called a few words tentatively but there was no response. She was a little worried that the other party ran away while she was asleep, so she stood up and was about to go out to find someone.

As soon as her fever subsided, her whole body was a little limp, and she had no strength. She walked to the door dizzily, and was about to push the door open, but bumped into the person who came in.

"woke up?"

The black dragon girl raised her eyes calmly, and looked at Aiweisi, who was half a head taller than her. The other party was in good spirits, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "Has the fever subsided?"

"It's all right," she said in a hoarse tone, but her attitude has returned to calm and gentle, "Thank you, Lady Olivia."

Ji Ge was not at ease, hugged the man's waist, and almost forcibly brought him back to the bed. The girl with black hair and black eyes was sitting on the edge of the bed. She was wearing a small top hat with layers of soft black on the brim The gauze just covered the pair of small dragon horns.

The aristocratic lady's dress is a bit weird, but it suits her very well. Ji Ge gracefully folded her hands on her knees and explained the current situation, "We will live in this small town for a while, and we will leave after you recover your health."

She stared at Ivis and warned, "Don't even think about running away. If you dare to run again, I'll catch you back and lock you up at home with chains."

The girl evil dragon showed her small snow-white fangs, vicious and arrogant, "When the time comes, you will never want to come out again, understand?"

Aiweisi looked gentle and sighed softly, "I see, Lady Olivia."

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