Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1114 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

Jige didn't plan to do anything to Alger now.

She weighed it silently in her heart, and felt that it was more important to attack the target now.

The door of the cabin was pushed open, and the human girl sitting on the bed reading a book turned her head and smiled happily, "My lord, are you back?"

"Well," Ji Ge walked to her side, lowered his head curiously, "Aiweisi, what are you looking at?"

The soft and fluffy hair hung down and fell on Aiweisi's shoulders following the girl's movements. The girl stared at her side face, stared blankly for a while, and then replied softly, "It's just a story book to pass the time."

Ji Ge fixed his eyes, and found that Ai Weisi was reading a story book related to dragon elves.

She tapped some paper with her fingertips. The protagonist of the storybook is an adventurer. He strayed into the territory of the elves. After learning powerful magic from the elves, he met a ferocious dragon and successfully subdued the dragon.Ji Ge tilted his head, "Are you interested in this?"

"Well," the girl closed the pages of the book and said calmly, her blue eyes unblinkingly looked at the human-looking Miss Dragon, "I'm a little curious, can humans really learn the magic of elves?"

Magic spells are created by elves, and their use needs to speak the ancient elf language, and as the elves escape from the world, the ancient elf language is lost. Up to now, not many humans can use magic anymore. Those that are easy to use are convenient All the magic items are treasures made a long time ago.

The dragons and humans don't need them, they can use magic from birth, and the creator treats the dragons very kindly, giving them a long life span that is almost immortal, a strong physique, and excellent magic talent.

"It should be possible." Ji Ge was not sure.

She held the girl's wrist, Ai Weisi's eyes were slightly confused, she didn't quite understand what she was going to do, but she let her move meekly, the princess's soft golden curly hair tilted and rolled down like waves, like autumn rolling The wheat field is brighter and warmer than that.

The golden brown eyelashes trembled lightly, she quietly watched the small piece of skin that Jige touched her, a cluster of whitish flames lighted up silently on the fingertips, the area she had scratched due to falling into the trap before It had already been scarred, and the marks were not heavy, like broken porcelain, revealing a regretful and broken beauty.

But now, the scars disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The girl's voice was very soft, and she said in a low voice, "Is this the magical power of the Dragon Clan?"

"Yes." Ji Ge coughed, pretending to be calm.

The original owner is a black dragon who is good at destruction. He has a reckless and willful personality and is not proficient in healing magic. Therefore, Ji Ge is only using the lowest level of healing magic. He is very unskilled in using it.

Now that it was all used up, Jige decided to solve it all at once.

The princess was wearing a long skirt, and the skirt was fluffy and piled on the ground like a flower. Ji Ge held the corner of the skirt and asked seriously, "Did you hurt your leg?"

Aivis hesitated for a moment, but did not answer immediately.

Ji Ge turned his head to look, the princess's fair cheeks were blushing slightly for some reason, the snow-white and elegant girl slightly bent her beautiful and clear eyes, her thick and curly eyelashes fluttered lightly, a little shy With an obedient and soft appearance, the softness of the voice is mixed with waxy softness, "There is a little here on the knee."

Ji Ge asked politely, "Can I lift up my skirt to help you heal?"

The princess snorted in a low voice, which was regarded as a promise.

The hem of the skirt was folded, revealing the girl's slender calves, Jige frowned slightly, not only the knees, but even Aivis's calves were scratched.

She forgot to ask before.

Ji Ge bit her lip and reflected on her incompetence as the owner. (end of this chapter)

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