Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1116 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

Aiweisi tidied up the slightly messy collar, and Shi Shiran sat up.

The human princess smiled, "My lord, can I go to the town?"

Ji Ge fell silent and gave an affirmative answer.


"But," she warned solemnly, "you'd better not think about running away, I have left a mark on you, no matter where you go, I will find you."

The blond girl blinked her eyes, her golden brown eyelashes were a beautiful color, curled up fluffy, making her pupils quiet and tender, her clear blue eyes rippled in circles, and she spoke slowly.

"My lord really cares about me."

Ji Ge inexplicably felt that something was wrong.

She glanced at Aivis hesitantly, muttering silently in her heart.

The target's attitude changed too quickly, and he gave up and ran away so quickly.

Ji Ge doesn't think about things that he can't understand.

Aiweisi's health was fine, she was almost fine after a few days of recuperation, and she stepped out of the wooden house.

There are not many people in the small town, the girl walks slowly, her appearance is too good, even if she does not do anything out of the ordinary, she has attracted a lot of amazing eyes, Ai Weiss seems to have never heard of it, and stops near a remote path , looked up.

The stranger's breath left on Olivia's body that day appeared around here.

Alger came to the town to buy food.

Those boys who bullied him maliciously in the small town would be honest for a while after being beaten up, he went back silently with the basket, noticed the strange girl watching him near the path, and asked a little cautiously, "Is there anything I can do for you?" Is it?"

Aiweisi supported the brim of her hat with her slender fingers. This is her dress imitating Lone Song. It just so happens that this kind of ladylike dress is popular in the Kingdom recently. She doesn't look obtrusive when she wears it. The girl's voice is soft and soft, "I just came here Small town, don't know the way."

She hooked her lips inexplicably, holding the skirt with her white fingertips, her magnificent blond hair was braided into beautiful braids and woven into a wide hat, "Can you send me back?"

The delicate and beautiful girl bent her eyes and asked gently.

Alger blushed a little when he was stared at. It was the first time he got so close to such a beautiful girl. The other girl looked too delicate, like a carefully raised princess of the kingdom, dignified and elegant.

The boy nodded and asked for Aivis's address.

"Do you know Olivia?" The girl smiled, "I live with her."

Alger nodded, and led Aivis towards home.

"Are you and Olivia new residents?" Alger asked cautiously.

"Yeah," Ivis pursed her lips and smiled, "I'm not in good health, so Olivia took me to the town to recuperate for a while."

Alger was slightly startled, and tilted his head in a daze. There was something in Aiweisi's words, but unfortunately he didn't catch it, so he could only put this doubt in his heart for the time being.

"Aiweisi," Ji Ge was about to go out to find someone, but met two people as soon as he went out. The girl frowned slightly, and asked strangely, "Why did you get together?"

Both of them are the objects of her mission, so they came together by such a coincidence.

"I don't know the way. Fortunately, this kind gentleman sent me back."

Ivy calmly explained the cause and effect, and briskly posted the song of silence. The girl's lip line was vaguely attached to the girl's delicate cheek, and her tone was waxy, "Did Olivia come out to find me?" (End of this chapter)

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