Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1119 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

Because the interior of the forest was too dangerous, Jige and the others basically didn't meet anyone else.

At noon, the two rested beside a stream.

The stream gurgled not far away, and Ai Weiss sat under a tall tree to rest. She was not very sleepy, and closed her eyes to rest until she was woken up by the sudden hoarse bird call.

The Jige next to him was still resting. Ai Weiss hesitated for a while, and stood up lightly. The one who made the call was a small owl. The girl moved very lightly, looking at the bird that came out at night, The other party stayed on a branch, tilting his head and staring at her.

"Are you calling me?" Aivis asked softly.

It stands to reason that owls should not understand human language, but the owl in front of Aivis nodded in a humane way. It flapped its wings and flew in one direction. Seeing that Aiweis did not follow, it turned back Watching it urgingly.

The human princess followed the owl without much hesitation.

Jige left a mark on her body. Creatures weaker than dragons sensed the breath and dared not approach her, so there was no need to worry about other monsters hurting her. Ivis followed the owl with confidence.

The path in the forest twists and turns, the bushes are mixed, and the slender vines hang down, blocking the sight.

It wasn't until Aiweis pushed aside the vines to follow the owl that she realized that a thick fog had filled the surroundings at some point.

Thinking of the legends related to the fog that she had heard before, Ivis stopped and looked around, her vision was covered by dense fog, and she might not be able to find the way back even if she turned her head now.

The owl hooted again.

The princess sighed and followed the owl.

The further you go inside, the more humid the air is, and there is a bit of rotten stench floating in the air. Ivis saw a swamp that was gurgling with tiny bubbles not far away. Perhaps it was because of the dragon breath on her body. The legendary ferocious monsters did not Did not find her.

The girl walked smoothly to a tall tower standing in the depths of the dense fog. The body of the tower was made of stone bricks, and a little damp moss grew at the bottom because it was too wet and cold.

"Come in." A weak female voice sounded, and it looked like one body. The tightly knit tower door slowly opened. Ivy paused. The owner of the tower didn't know whether it was good or evil, but since she came here, she Still went in.

Going up the spiral staircase, Aiweisi met the owner of the tower at the top of the tower.

The huge space on the top floor of the tower is filled with all kinds of medicines, boiling water vapor from the medicine pot boiling unknown liquid, the witch with thick dark circles leaned on the table, and said very carelessly, "Where is the medicine from a distance?" Come traveler, what deal do you want to make with me?"

"Wait," Aivis stopped in time, "I just came here by accident."

The swamp witch stared at her for a while, making sure she wasn't lying before asking, "Didn't you come to make a deal with me?"

"No," the girl reminded implicitly, "My companion may be here in a while."

"As for me," Aiweisi's gaze stayed on the owl at the window, "I was brought here by this owl."

"Sorry," said the Swamp Witch, who was very talkative, "Nick rarely sees strangers, so maybe he brought you here out of curiosity."

She felt it seriously, "You have the imprint left by a high-level magical creature on your body," the witch's eyes lit up immediately when she said this, "I raised a few swamp giant crocodiles in the swamp, they should be afraid of you He didn't show his face because of his breath."

"May I ask, what is this magical creature?" (End of this chapter)

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