Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1121 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

Chapter 1121 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess (20)

Jige didn't notice that something was wrong with Ivis.

Just when the original owner's wish was mentioned, she asked the system by the way.

"How many planes do I need to travel through to collect luck?"

The system checked the container used to carry the luck. Most of the pale beads have been filled with soft light, shining brightly like night pearls, looking bright and soft.

Calculated according to the speed at which Jige collected luck, it gave the answer.

"There are only two or three planes left at most, host, come on."

Ji Ge nodded, making it clear.

She took Aivis back to the cabin and began to settle accounts.

The boy looks docile and well-behaved, he looks like a girl, with blond hair and blue eyes, beautiful and delicate appearance, elegant and pure, but when Ji Ge thinks that he was cheated by this person in front of him, he starts to feel distressed, the dragon girl looks down at him Ai Weiss, dark eyes darkened.

"Why are you lying?"

Belonging to the violence of the Dragon Clan, the terrifying aura emanates faintly, and is properly controlled within a boundary that can threaten people without harming them.

Elvis looked up.

"I didn't intend to hide it on purpose," his voice changed subtly. After leaving the girl's clear sweetness, it showed a cool and clear texture like a frozen sea of ​​ice.

"Sorry, Olivia-sama, I can't explain the reason to you now."

Ji Ge turned his face away.

The young man's face is so superior, with delicate and beautiful features, golden brown eyelashes thick and slender like velvet, pupils as clear as the shallow sea at dawn, bright blue, slender and crimson lips, slender and beautiful neck, The top is bright and there is no Adam's apple.

Because Aiweisi hardly has any particularly obvious masculine characteristics, Ji Ge has never doubted this aspect.

The relationship between Jige and Aiweisi fell into a rigid and stagnant atmosphere.

The system was the first to take it no longer, and cautiously asked Ji Ge for confirmation.

"Host, are you angry with the target?"

"No." Ji Ge's calf swayed slightly, looking at the passers-by in the town boredly, she said truthfully, "I'm just thinking about how to fulfill the original owner's wish."

Bring another princess back and live in peace with the target?
Jige dismissed the idea without much thought.

Bringing someone back again, the target of the raid will definitely think too much, and she has to take care of the mood of the new princess, so it is easy to ignore Aiweisi.

I'm a little worried...

"Olivia," the familiar voice brought Ji Ge back from the trance state, she collected herself, looked at Alger who was walking towards her not far away, and said lazily, "What a coincidence."

She waved her hand perfunctorily.

Alger didn't care about Ji Ge's attitude, compared to the dislike and dislike of most residents in the town, Ji Ge's behavior was already very friendly.

They often say hello, and the relationship between the two can be considered harmonious.

"What a coincidence," Alger walked in front of her, "Have you encountered any troubles?"

The boy stood in front of her, and the sitting Ji Ge seemed to be a bit shorter than him. The arrogant dragon with strong self-esteem immediately stood up, and replied a little casually, "A little bit."

"Is it because of Ivis?" Alger was very smart, and immediately realized something was wrong.

He's a bit of a novelty.

He had met Olivia several times before, and the other party always appeared with the mysterious Aiweisi.

The other party looked very clingy, but she was too beautiful, so that kind of clinginess would only appear willful and delicate, and would not be annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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