Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1125 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

Chapter 1125 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess (24)

Alger didn't come to town every day, and Ji Ge didn't see anyone again for the next few days.

She calculated the time, and there was still a long time before her coming-of-age ceremony, enough for her to solve Alger's hidden danger and grab another princess to prepare for the coming-of-age ceremony.

It's a hassle to complete the task.

The girl sighs.

The town is not big, and Ji Ge almost visited the surrounding area before seeing Alger again.

The boy's smile was a little stiff, and he greeted her, "Olivia."

Jige is feeding the cat.

Although she really wanted to feed the pigeons, it was a pity that the spiritual birds had a keen sense and flew away as soon as they sensed her approach. Only the cats raised by the town residents were more courageous and dared to approach Ji Ge.

She rubbed the cat's fluffy head, stood up, and responded casually, "Alger," the girl yawned, bored, "what's the matter?"

"It's okay." Alger's palms were sweating nervously. He was quiet for a while, and opened his mouth. Before he had time to say anything, Ji Ge spoke first, "Speak quickly if you have anything to say."

She embraced her arms, and the orange sunlight silently climbed up to the girl's half body. Her dark and smooth long hair was dyed with a light warm halo, and the ends of her hair were soft and swaying. From the outside, she was just a weird girl who didn't like others The naughty little girl approaching, no one can tell that she is actually a dragon.

"I'm leaving in a few days." She said casually with drooping eyes.

"Do you want to leave?" Argel was stunned.

"Yeah," Ji Ge turned his face slightly, "Ai Weiss has left, and of course I have to leave too."

Alger pursed his lips, didn't say anything, said a few meaningless words to Ji Ge in a hurry, and then retreated home. Ji Ge half-closed his eyes and watched the boy's leaving back with deep eyes.The cat lazily rubbed against the girl's feet, and its fluffy fur brushed against the girl's skin, feeling itchy to the touch. She lifted it up by her neck, and the other party was dissatisfied and wanted to blow its hair, but when it met the black dragon's eyes, it faltered. , let the girl ravage it willfully.

Ji Ge's voice was brisk, "Guess when he will do it."

The cat tremblingly let the girl's fingers caress its back.

Alger returned home.

He rushed to the attic, looking unpredictable.

"Olivia is leaving." He took a deep breath, both to persuade him and himself, "In such a short period of time, I have no way of gaining her trust, or else, forget it."

"She's a dragon," Rusty Sword trembled. "If you miss her, you may never meet a dragon again in your life. You'd rather stay in this town for the rest of your life, being a weirdo that everyone hates."

Alger's veins bulged on the back of his hand, and he spoke with restraint, "I don't want to."

"But I don't want to hurt her."

"Okay," Rust Sword's dissatisfaction with him reached the highest point, "Since you don't want to, then I will come."

Before Alger could understand what Rust Sword meant, he suddenly felt that he had lost control of his body.

He was terrified, and looked at his body standing in front of the Rusty Sword with a strange third vision, thinking, "It turns out that breathing feels like this."

"You stole my body." Argel realized something, his eyes widened in astonishment.

"Alger" had a slightly smug smile on his face, "Don't speak so harshly."

"You are willing to be a waste, but I am not."

(End of this chapter)

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