Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 115 White Moonlight Counterattack Manual

Chapter 115 White Moonlight Counterattack Manual (3)

The plot line of this plane is a typical sadomasochistic relationship between the overlord and Bai Yueguang's substitute.

The heroine is Xia Ranran, a pure and innocent little white flower, from a poor family, but stubborn.

Xia Ranran entered the entertainment industry to earn money because her mother was seriously ill, but because she was not deeply involved in the world, she signed a contract with an unscrupulous company, arranged for her to accompany her to drinks, and drugged her wine.

Sensing something was wrong, Xia Ranran ran away in a hurry, and entered the hotel room of the male lead next door, Li Li, by accident.

Because of a face that is five points similar to Li Li's dead Bai Yueguang, Li Li bought Xia Ranran at a high price, pampered her and doted on her, and spent a lot of money to pave the way for Xia Ranran, making Xia Ranran, who didn't know why, mistakenly think that Li Li was treating him It was love at first sight, and fell in love with him unconsciously.

Although the heroine Xia Ranran has five points similar to Bai Yueguang in appearance, but compared to Bai Yueguang's cold and boring personality, she is innocent, cute, lively and bright, like a little sun, dispelling the haze caused by Bai Yueguang in the hero's heart.

The two had a good impression of each other, but when the window paper was about to be pierced, Bai Yueguang, who was already dead, suddenly appeared.

On one side is the old love that he never forgets, and on the other is the new love that he loves but does not know. After some struggles in his heart, Li Li still chose Bai Yueguang.

Xia Ranran was heartbroken by the male lead's action. Under the comfort of the gentle second male lead, she put her feelings aside and devoted herself to her career.

After the male protagonist left the female protagonist, he lost his soul day by day. Later, he finally recognized his heart, abandoned Bai Yueguang, and pursued Xia Ranran again.

After a series of chasing wives and crematoriums, Li Li successfully reconciles with the heroine who has won the Golden Crown of the Actress, and embraces the beauty as he wished.

And Bai Yueguang, because she made the heroine unhappy, so the male second who loves the heroine fabricated a bunch of black material and put it on the Internet. With the silent acquiescence of the heroine, his reputation was ruined and he cut his wrists at home in despair.

The once highly anticipated goddess finally fell under the insults.

And Ji Ge happened to be this Bai Yueguang who had been unlucky for eight lifetimes.

At the age of 19, the original owner was nominated for an actress with a big-budget movie, and she became very popular. It can be said that she is a bright star.

The encounter between her and the male protagonist is also very romantic. One is a popular girl actress, and the other is a young president who has just joined the company. The two fell in love at first sight and communicated directly and openly.

The young Li Li is different from the present. He is enthusiastic and sunny. When he likes someone, he treats her wholeheartedly.

Li Li suffered a major blow and his temperament changed drastically.

The original owner's air crash was not an accident, but a product of the design of the Li family's opponents. They hoped to control the original owner and use this as a breakthrough to attack the Li family.

Unfortunately, the sudden appearance of Xia Ranran made all their plans come to nothing.

The original owner's wish is very simple, which is to take revenge on the hero and heroine, and to cover up a gentle skin, but in fact he is a crazy male partner, Li Sheng.

Ji Ge came to this plane three years ago. After killing all the people who tried to control her leisurely, she calmly pretended to have amnesia and touched Li Sheng who was sent abroad at that time.

Until now, Ji Ge thinks that the fire is almost enough, and he is happy to return to China and prepare to do things.

And the first thing is to cut off the resources that the bearded heroine is about to get.

 Ten more.

  In the future, the flag will not be established, and ten will be even more difficult to write.

(End of this chapter)

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