Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1156 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

She looked at Flavio in human form thoughtfully.

"Now, can you honor your agreement and send me away?"

As an adult, Flavio looked a little more mature, but still had immature facial features. The dragon horns and tails that were once unavailable were properly put away. He nodded, feeling satisfied because he had successfully completed the adult ceremony. , it was rare for me to agree with good temper.


Lida looked at the Dragon Valley with some melancholy.

to leave.

"Olivia?" Although Avis was a little surprised to be suddenly taken away, she was not too panicked.

He believed that Ji Ge would not hurt him.

The dragon in human form fell on the soft bed, holding the pillow with her arms. Her thick black hair spread out like spring water. She closed her eyes and opened them expressionlessly. Something was wrong with her whole body. It seemed that Trying to endure something.

Avis hesitantly raised her hand and touched Ji Ge's forehead.

"Well..." Ji Ge didn't have time to avoid it, because the strangeness of touching her body was even more uncomfortable. Her blood seemed to be burning fiercely, and her voice was stained with a dull emotion.

"I'm courting."

She was a little broken. Although it was said that dragons could formally settle on a partner after they reached adulthood, she didn't expect that this time would come so quickly.

And it seems that she is the only dragon in this situation.

She hugged the pillow, her chin sank slightly into the soft pillow, and gasped sharply.

Ives was confused at first, and then understood.

He approached slowly.

"Olivia, can I help you?"

After a pause, he whispered.

"Since we are partners, it should be normal to do this kind of thing."

First the kiss.

The young man's fingers did not touch the familiar dragon horns. His eyelashes were soft and pressed down, and the thick golden-brown eyelash feathers were like dragonflies touching the water, causing ripples on the water.Ives's always soft and melodious voice seemed to be soaked in honey at this moment, and the sticky syrup almost stretched out, sweet and greasy.

"Olivia, where are your dragon horns."

He pulled away slightly and looked at the girl's small and beautiful face.

"do you want to see?"

Ji Ge blinked.

Avis still didn't quite understand what she meant, so she nodded subconsciously.

Dark black, eerie yet elegant wings spread out behind him.

The dragon's wings are like death's scythes, sharp and ferocious, with terrifying bone spurs on the edges, and the thin bones are connected by thin periosteum.

A pair of exquisite and beautiful dragon horns like handicrafts protrude from the black hair.

Ivis kissed the dragon's horn in fascination.

"very beautiful."

he said softly.


The dragon's courtship period will last for a long time.

The line between day and night was blurred. Ives was not sure how much time had passed. The boy's snow-white ankles were clearly exposed. The room was quiet. He got out of bed quietly without disturbing Ji Ge who was still sleeping.

When Ji Ge woke up, the food was ready.

She yawned, stood up lazily, and looked at the marks on the bed in silence for a while.

Forget it, use magic to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces later.

Dragons in the courtship period are very clingy. Not long after Aiweis went out, Jige followed his breath and found him. He was hugged from behind, and his thin waist was wrapped around him.The visitor was slimy and complained in a drawl, "Why didn't you call me when you got up?"

"I see you haven't woken up yet," Ives tilted her head slightly and lowered her gaze slightly. When she saw the ambiguous mark on the girl's collarbone, she looked away as if she had been burned and stuck her shell, "...just I didn’t call you.”

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