Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1189 Holographic Game

However, the rewards given after the task is completed are also very generous, which is enough to make up for the money Xu Leyan spent in the early stage.

She carefully observed her surroundings. The dark market was similar to what she had imagined. It was quite high-end. It was equipped with many sheds and stalls selling all kinds of goods. Xu Leyan glanced at it casually and saw many things that were ordered by the empire. Forbidden potions.

She thought thoughtfully, it seemed that the dark market was an illegal business organization.

Yin Song stopped and Xu Leyan looked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

The young man did not answer, but walked into a shop next to him. Xu Leyan quickly followed. The shop was very small, and there was nothing special about it. When she was confused, Yin Song had already walked up to the shop assistant, looking plain. He said, "I want to issue a bounty mission."

"Okay," the clerk brought him a writing board. A section of white knuckles was vaguely exposed under the dark cloak. He held a quill and flipped through the magic notebook handed over, showing a restrained dignity.The clerk knows how to look at people, and he can see the unusual temperament of the other person at a glance, and asks with a smile, "How many tasks does the customer want to post?"

The higher the level of missions, the more rewards they will receive, and the more bounty hunters they will attract.

The other party didn't move. His face was tucked into the hood, blurred by the magic of the cloak that obscured his appearance. The straight bridge of his nose was vaguely visible, and his lips were lightly colored, "S level."

This is the highest level of bounty.

The clerk was slightly surprised and reminded tactfully, "A task of this level requires a lot of gold coins."

Yin Song lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes soft and convergent, "Money is not an issue."

Xu Leyan, who was listening to Yin Song and the clerk's speech, was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that the teammates she teamed with were actually very good. It seemed that the difficulty of the task was reduced a lot.

Werner indirectly told Yin Songjige where he was imprisoned. The place was strictly guarded and the use of magic was prohibited.

They need to find someone to lure the guards away, and then find Helena's cell. There is a forbidden magic circle set up in the prison, so they need to create a big explosion and tear a gap in the magic circle for a moment, and then they can use it. The random teleportation space scroll escaped.

The problem is that there are only three days before the scheduled execution time. Their time is tight, and where to find manpower is also a problem.

The clerk didn't dare to agree directly, but said that he needed to ask the boss for instructions.

Xu Leyan was a little nervous and asked Yin Song to talk to relieve her mood. She asked in a low voice, "Hey, classmate Yin Song, what do you think will happen if our mission fails? Is Helena really going to be executed?"

After all, the two of them are weak and cannot guarantee 100% success of the plan.

Xu Leyan felt Yin Song glance over here. The young man, whose whole body was covered by a pitch-black cloak, was slender and thin. A tuft of light black hair slipped out from the hood and lay softly beside his fair face. It was actually a bit... Weirdly cute.

She secretly slapped herself in her heart and laughed secretly at how she could think of Yin Songmeng. You should know that the other party was acting coldly and never said a few words to her from the beginning to the end.

"I don't know," Yin Song said in a low voice, with a pleasant but firm voice, "but this kind of thing won't happen."

Xu Leyan took a breath and cheered herself up. Yes, the game shouldn't be so stupid, and she would work hard to prevent senior Helena from BEing.

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