Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1192 Holographic Game


Xu Leyan's face turned pale and she was dizzy due to the space teleportation. She squatted on the ground and retched for a while. After she recovered, she slowly stood up. Her legs were still a little weak.

"Are you okay?" A branch of wild fruit was handed over at the right time. Xu Leyan didn't know what kind of fruit it was, but it smelled very good and soothed her churning stomach.

"Senior sister," Xu Leyan fiddled with the round and small fruit and asked carefully, "Where are you going to go in the future?"

"Statya can't stay any longer," the girl said with a smile, but her tone was cold, "They call me a witch, and I think I can't bear this title in vain."

She spoke slowly, with a smile on her lips, "I don't know what the expressions of those old friends would be if they saw me again."

Xu Leyan's eyes widened. She hadn't noticed it before, but now that the situation had calmed down, she was keenly aware that something was wrong. The Duke's daughter's beautiful red hair was slowly fading like the morning sun.

From the tip of the tail to the root, they slowly darken until they finally become a dark and intense color that resembles crow feathers.

"Well," she picked up a strand of black hair with her fingertips, arched her eyebrows and spoke to herself, "this makes it more like it."

The system pops up a new page.

Xu Leyan originally thought it was a reminder that the task was completed, but the night-black page was completely different from the translucent light brown task page. She was stunned and clicked to check.

[System Announcement: Fallen End—Abyss Witch

The clock tower struck No. 13 at midnight, and the ominous crow brought a message of doom. The rose of Stataya had fallen.The witch of the past was reborn in the ashes of history, raising a sword of revenge against the God who betrayed his promise. Dear player, which end of the balance between light and darkness will you choose? 】

[System: Congratulations to player Xu Leyan for completing the mission]

She didn't look closely at the long list of mission rewards that followed. She wanted to go back to the announcement and read it again, but another announcement popped up.

[System Announcement: This game will be out of service for updates from 30:21 on October 30, 21XX to [-]:[-] on October [-], [-]XX. Players please keep the update time in mind]


Xu Leyan opened her mouth, but before she could speak, she was kicked out.

The slender figure, the night, and the crisp sound of birds chirping in her ears gradually disappeared, and she saw the witch's face in a trance, her red eyes blooming with a jewel-like crimson color, which was even more thrilling against the thick ink-like night behind her. Colorful.She hooked her fair earlobes with her fingertips, and Yingying said something to the player next to her.

Yin Song, who had been silent and had no time to speak, raised his eyes and only blinked before being sent out.

He was stunned and did not open the game compartment immediately. Instead, he looked at the hatch cover for a while before pressing the open button next to it.

The game warehouse opened slowly, Yin Song walked out, frowned and opened his official account.

FAP’s official super chat has exploded.

It was still early, and a large group of night owl players were struggling to play the game. They were suddenly kicked out, and they were all confused.

After browsing through many posts criticizing dog officials, he stopped looking and clicked on the most popular posts.

The poster took a screenshot of the system announcement and raised another question.

[The announcement is so shameful, but it turns out there is not much useful information. Is there anyone with knowledge who can provide some information? 】

The initial identities of FAP players are random. Not everyone will randomly go to Stataya Imperial Capital, and the news of the execution magic has not spread that fast, so many players are in a state of confusion.

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