Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1206 Holographic Game

Outside the game, there is chaos and chaos, but inside the game, the attention of countless viewers and players is focused on the witch.

She snapped her fingers and said to herself.

"Do you like hide-and-seek?" She frowned, "I like this game very much."

"It's very interesting." Ji Ge emphasized the word "interesting", as if it was given a different kind of cold chill. The players were shivering all over and continued to listen to the witch's speech.

"You have three days to find me. If you find me, I will let you go."

"If you can't find her," the arrogant and willful witch gradually disappeared, leaving only a clear and playful laugh, "just stay and play with me forever."

A bloody countdown appeared in the sky, counting 72 hours from now, which looked particularly shocking.

The system store could not be opened, and the game panel was also closed. If it were not for the familiar players standing around and the words left by the witch, they would even think that they had traveled to a different world.

There was no one in the place, and the battle between gods finally came to an abrupt end in such an unexpected way.

The onlookers didn't move, or they were dumbfounded. No one told them that just playing a game could put their lives in danger. The offline button had lost its function. No matter how they pressed it, they couldn't exit the game.

After a brief collapse, they began to vent their anger by insulting the witch crazily.

"The game is out of order." The player scratched his hair frantically. Despair, depression, and a dead atmosphere quietly brewed. "Where is the game company? When can we go offline?!"

Noise and shock formed the background of the noise, and in contrast to the player's collapse and confusion were the NPCs. They seemed not to see anything strange about the player, and operated according to the set program, and their strangely calm reactions showed a kind of Strange creepiness comes.

"Ahhhhh," a player with a weak psychological endurance rushed towards the NPC. The person next to him tried to grab him but failed, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to kill these NPCs!" His eyes were red, and the sharp long sword had already been slashed out, but the ones he was targeting were only low-level little monsters. They were so unconscious that they even reacted slowly to avoid them.

However, before the long sword struck the little monster's body, the player suddenly froze. He looked horrified, and before he could make a sound, he suddenly exploded into a ball of blood mist.

The witch added nonchalantly.

"You must abide by the rules of the game," there was no one around, but the girl's voice sounded clear and scattered, clearly reaching the player's ears.

"Disobedient players will be eliminated early."

She said oddly, expecting them to break the rules.

All players shuddered.

They didn't even know whether the player who exploded into a blood mist successfully logged off and returned to the real world, or died just like that.

Waves of chills ran through the spinal cord, and the players' curse words were stuck in their throats, and they suddenly couldn't speak out.

Xu Leyan was among a group of helpless players, and subconsciously turned to look at Yin Song. After all, they had known each other for so long, and Xu Leyan probably knew that Yin Song had been attacking Helena, and now it turned out like this.

She moved her numb legs and walked to Yin Song, her face full of confusion and confusion.

"What should we do next?" She bit her lip. "Helena, does she really want to play games with us?"

"Go back first." Yin Song said softly. The boy's hair and eyes were light, and his eyes were cold and clear, like crystals. His pale pink lips showed a gorgeous and ethereal beauty.

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