Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1210 Holographic Game

Yin Song's vision went dark, and the vivid picture in front of him gradually disappeared as if the ink faded.

He was forced offline.

Ji Ge stood there, still holding the lamb mask, playing with it interestingly. All the players were offline. A faint smile appeared on her lips, and the system upgrade tone that only she could hear sounded solemnly.

"Congratulations to the host, the mission in this world is successfully completed."

"All the luck has been collected. Does the host choose to leave this plane and return to the divine realm?"

Ji Ge did not give an answer immediately. The abyss composed of data in front of her was gradually leaving the virtual world, and the light blue light slipped through her eyes and disappeared. After a long time, she answered.

"Choose to stay."

Yin Song was still a little confused when he woke up.

He didn't wake up from the game room, but woke up in bed. It seemed like he just woke up from a simple nap. The boy got up and opened the game room in the room. However, he could not find the FAP game icon.

Yin Song had some bad premonitions in his heart. He started his optical brain and searched for FAP.


No results.

It was as if all the information about the FAP game had been wiped out from reality without leaving a single clue. He was stunned and dialed the phone number he had inadvertently memorized while chatting with Xu Leyan.

After a while, someone picked up.

"Hey," Xu Leyan was extremely cautious when dealing with unfamiliar numbers. She asked carefully, "Who is it?"

"I'm Yin Song," he announced his name, and after a moment of silence, he asked softly, "Do you remember about the game?"

"I remember," Xu Leyan's tone was complicated, and she paused for a while before continuing, "but now it seems that we are the only ones who remember."

"Let's meet," Yin Song quickly decided on a meeting time. Thinking of a certain possibility, his voice couldn't help but tremble, "I want to verify something."

"Okay." Xu Leyan agreed decisively without much hesitation.

The meeting between the two was about three days later. Yin Song wanted to investigate something, so he scheduled the meeting a little later.

The two people live in cities not far apart. Yin Song took the initiative to set the location near Xu Leyan University. During these three days, Yin Song took the initiative to inquire about things related to FAP, but found nothing. Even he asked Fanxing company, the other party just told him politely that the company did not have the FAP project.

The experience of the game was more like a dream that Yin Song had had. It was just his fantasy. However, Xu Leyan also remembered it, which made it even more weird and weird.

The two met at a coffee shop near Xu Leyan University.

"How much do you remember?" Yin Song got straight to the point and stared at her.

Xu Leyan looked complicated, "I remember everything."

She explained, "I remember everything from being drawn to qualify for the closed beta to Helena's final hide-and-seek game."

"But the strange thing is," she held the coffee cup, confused, "except for me, no one around me remembers anyone."

Xu Leyan frowned, "I was not the only one who qualified for the game, but I seem to be the only one who remembers it."

"This game," she said in a very soft voice, "is as if it has never appeared before."

Yin Song pursed his lips.

The young man who is as beautiful as a narcissus as depicted in the West lowers his eyes in a daze. His appearance is not much different from that in the game, and is even more realistic and magnificent. Xu Leyan couldn't help but look at it a few more times. Thinking of the relationship between Yin Song and Helena in the game, a faint sympathy arose in her heart.

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