Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1218 The Finale

So Di Xi would feel tired.

He is now absorbing those memories and powers through slumber.

The system tentatively made a suggestion, "Does the host want to go see the master?"

Ji Ge did not refuse directly, but asked, "Is it convenient?"

"Of course it's convenient," the system said hurriedly, "Jiujiu, can you stay?"

"Why?" Jiujiu was not very happy. It had been separated from its owner for too long, and it often spent the second half of the journey in a coma, so it didn't want to leave Jige for a moment.

"Because I don't know how to cook." The system grimaced, risking his life to admit his shortcomings for his master.


"Okay," Ji Ge finally spoke, "Jiujiu, just stay here. We will have a lot of time to get together in the future, so there is no hurry at this moment."

If the system said it, then Jiujiu would definitely ignore it, but since it was Ji Ge who suggested it...

Sword Spirit agreed humbly.

She left the kitchen, shutting out the bustling noise behind her. Jige walked to Di Xi's door, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

"Who?" Di Xi's voice, slightly hoarse from long sleep, came from inside. The young man's voice was originally as beautiful as morning dew in the forest and wind chimes in the mountains, but now it revealed a faint hint of tiredness.

"Me," Ji Ge asked, "can I come in?"

There was silence for a while, and then the young god's voice sounded again, "Okay."

She opened the door and entered the room without any obstruction.

The tall and thin young man is sitting on the bed. His black hair is unbound and falling down like water. His eyes are half-closed, like polished gold flakes, and his bright pupils are as bright as the quicksand of the hot desert, lazily converging. His skin was snow-white and his chin was delicate. When he raised his eyes and looked over, they were more beautiful than the most magnificent spring scenery.

"What's the matter?" Di Xi asked.

"It's okay," Ji Ge took a few steps closer. After a closer look, he discovered that the boy's cheeks were stained with an abnormal blush, and he could feel an unusual temperature from a distance, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

She wondered interestingly, could gods get sick too?
Di Xi was faint, but he didn't cover it deliberately, so Ji Ge could fully see the young man's fragile expression.

Like a frail flower that bloomed early on a cool winter night, caught in a sudden rain, its slender calyx trembled, implying moisture and being easily broken, causing onlookers to stop and feel affection.

She reached out and felt the temperature of Di Xi's forehead.

"It seems a little hot."

Di Xi was startled by her actions. The boy's eyes widened and he stared at Ji Ge like a frightened cat, which caused Ji Ge to feel a little guilty.

After all, the other party is taking care of her affairs.

Her long-dead conscience revived and pretended to be dead for a moment, and was quickly pushed back by Ji Ge. When she was about to take back her hand, her wrist was held by the other party. With a slight force, the two people who were very close to each other changed their positions. , Jige, who was carried into the boy's arms, blinked blankly, not quite sure how things developed to this point.

"Maybe it's a little uncomfortable," Di Xi's voice sounded low above his head. The boy rested his chin on the girl's shoulder. His breath was soft and hot, and a faint hint of intimacy could be heard. "Ji Ge, can you Can’t you hug me?”

"..." Ji Ge's face was numb, and her fingertips rested on the young man's wrist that was holding her waist. He obediently allowed her to move without resisting.

The girl paused and did not move.

"Then, give me a hug."

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