My boyfriend is too clingy
When Ji Ge went abroad to perform with the dance troupe, he was completely exhausted.

She was too young and it was her first starring role, so the pressure on her was extremely high. However, her teacher was a nationally renowned dance master, so the outside world was very optimistic about her.

The rest of the dance troupe was also very tired. In order to let everyone relax, the leader suggested, "I have booked a high-end restaurant. Let's go eat together."

Everyone cheered, but Ji Ge checked his phone and apologized for refusing, "I won't go."

She raised her phone and said, "My boyfriend is here."

I have met most of Ji Ge's boyfriends, they are very clingy, and most importantly, he looks particularly good-looking.

"Then Xiaoye, go ahead," the older senior helped, with an ambiguous smile, "Xiaoye and her boyfriend haven't seen each other for a long time, let's enjoy the world of two people."

"Thank you, Sister Chen." A big smile appeared on the girl's face, she packed her things briskly and left.

Rong Huai was waiting for her outside.

The dancer carrying the bag stepped lightly, but was still noticed by the other party. Rong Huai spoke in a lazy voice and opened his hand to her.

The tone is nostalgic and resentful.

"Ji Ge, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Ji Ge coughed, "I'm very busy at work," she hooked his little finger and shook it flatteringly, "I'll spend the rest of the day with you."

"Okay," Rong Huai got into the car, lowered his head and fastened the seat belt for Ji Ge in the passenger seat, "Sister, I will do what I say."

Ji Ge nodded, indicating that he was serious about what he said.

Rong Huai went abroad to take care of business, and his destination happened to be the same as Ji Ge, so he had time to find Ji Ge after finishing his work.

He had already booked a restaurant. Knowing that Ji Ge was not used to eating abroad, he specially booked a Chinese restaurant.

Ji Ge's eyes filled with tears, but she was a dancer and needed to strictly control her diet, so she couldn't eat too much.

During the meal, she checked her phone and saw the message from Chi Fan, and asked Rong Huai, "Ah Huai, will you go to the school's anniversary?"

This year happens to be an integer, so the anniversary celebration ceremony held by University A was particularly grand, and many outstanding alumni were invited back to school to participate.

There is no doubt that Ji Ge and Rong Huai are among the outstanding alumni, so they received the invitation letter not unexpectedly.

Rong Huai's mood was light, "Let's talk about it later."

He gave Ji Ge a piece of food with chopsticks and bent his eyes, "Sister, eat this."

Although he couldn't eat more, since it was from Rong Huai, Ji Ge still ate it.

She innocently bit the tip of her chopsticks, feeling that Rong Huai was particularly keen on feeding her today. Ji Ge's question was answered at night.

The dance troupe sent her a message, asking her whether she wanted to go back to China with her boyfriend or book tickets with everyone else. After she asked about Rong Huai's schedule, she added Rong Huai and the two of them went back with the dance troupe.

"It's getting late," the young man took Ji Ge's wrist, "It's time for Ji Ge to wash up."

Warm water washed down, and Ji Ge's voice could be vaguely heard with gritted teeth, "You..."

Her tone was broken and she quickly ran out of words.

The young man's fingertips gently touched her cheek, "Does Ji Ge like foxes?"

His fingers touched the soft fox tail, "I like it too."


Because of this incident, Ji Ge kept Rong Huai cold for several days. He even went to the school celebration alone.

Chi Fan was still a little worried when she came to pick her up. "You and your wife," she asked implicitly, "are you having a conflict?"

"No." Ji Ge turned away.

She was sitting in the Distinguished Alumni Seat. She slept late last night and was still a little depressed. She dozed on her seat.

Someone suddenly sat down in the empty seat next to him, and Rong Huai's voice was clear, "Sister."

"Are you still angry?"

He has a particularly beautiful smile. Even though his outline has matured, he still has a doll-like delicacy. His eyelashes are thick and long, and his tone of voice is sweet.

Ji Ge lost his momentum and turned away, "No."

"That's good." He leaned over calmly and kept his voice low, "I'm afraid Ji Ge won't pay attention to me."

Ji Ge's heart softened, "It won't happen again."

He played with her fingers.

"Then Ji Ge will dance for me tonight, okay?"

"..." I don't think it's a serious dance.

Really, this guy just listens but never changes.

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