Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1238 The mountains and rivers are silent, and the tragedy is not yet complete

For the rest of the banquet, Ji Ge was quite absent-minded.

She found a companion, but Ji Ge didn't put all her hopes on Xu Nian and Qi Tianze, thinking about how to eliminate the obsession of the master of the mirage.

It is still difficult to determine the identity of the master of the mirage. Yue Qianlan, the third prince, General Yue, or other people still hiding in the dark.

It's a bit difficult, there are too few clues.

Ji Ge was slightly worried.

The car curtain swayed slightly, and the girl who had been leaning on the cushions comfortably suddenly sat up, lifted the curtain and looked out.

The young man who was sitting quietly opposite her noticed Ji Ge's movements and raised his long eyelashes slightly, revealing dark pupils that were vaguely golden.

"what happened?"

he asked slowly.

Ji Ge didn't bother to answer him and rushed out hastily.


The carriage was stopped urgently, and the girl jumped down lightly, her red skirt unfolding in a light arc, like a dancing red butterfly.

She looked around and frowned.

She clearly felt the breath of the devil.

Di Xi, who was behind her, also lifted the curtain and cast a glance in her direction. Jige endured the doubts in her heart and returned to the carriage.


She put it off.

Di Xi tilted her face slightly and did not ask further questions.

In the next few days, Ji Ge has been actively investigating the source of the evil aura in Shuangning City, but unfortunately she has found nothing. She also sent a message to Qi Tianze and Xu Nian, but they found nothing like her.

Nothing was found. Either the thing was hidden too deeply, or her previous awareness was just an illusion.

Ji Ge believes in the first statement.

Don't worry, you will find it eventually.

When Chunli called her up, Jige was still a little confused.

She raised her eyes drowsily, "What's the matter?"

The other maids were all sent away, Chunli lowered her voice and whispered a reminder.

"Miss, you forgot that today is fifteen."

She coughed. "It's time to go see Miss Xiuwen."

Ji Ge blinked her eyes. She didn't know who Xiu Wen was, but this was a good opportunity to complete Yue Qianlan's information and find out the owner of the mirage.

She agrees.

"it is good."

Under Chunli's service, Ji Ge changed into men's clothing that was easy for movement, and his appearance was also modified appropriately. From the outside, he looked like a slightly slender and thin young man from aristocratic family, handsome, elegant and swaggering.

Under the leadership of Chunli, she climbed the wall and left the general's mansion. After going around and around, she reached her destination.

Ji Ge fell into silence.


Why did Yue Qianlan come to Huajie Liuxiang?

The small building in front of him was lit with bright and bright lights, with vermilion ribbons hanging swaying down. It was decorated extremely gorgeously and luxuriously, and there was a faint scent of beauty, while a smiling girl stood at the door to welcome guests.

It's not a decent place at first glance.

There are a few words written on the plaque.

——Hongyan Pavilion.

She seemed to have heard of this name, a very famous brothel in Shuangning City, with many beauties inside.

She paused hesitantly. The sect's management was strict, and Ji Ge had never been to such a place.

If the senior brothers and sisters knew that she went to Huajieliu Lane, they would definitely punish her.

"Hurry up, young master. Miss Hongxiu needs to be impatient." Chunli turned around and urged.

Ji Ge gritted his teeth, this was a mission requirement, and I am sure my senior brothers and sisters would understand.

Then she walked in with a sad face but joy.

Hongyan Pavilion is a famous gold-selling cave in Shuangning City. It is pink and rouge, and the beauty is curled up. It is a gentle knife that seduces the soul, seducing countless nobles to indulge in it.

Yue Qianlan and Chunli were both regular customers. When they entered through the back door, the Madam greeted them with a smile on their face, "Master Yue is here, Hongxiu has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Yes." The girl in boyish attire raised her head. Her disguise was actually not very successful. Her slightly undulating chest and overly delicate face clearly belonged to her daughter's family. The madam who had visited many people naturally noticed it from the beginning, but She knew that this son-in-law came to Hong Xiu on time every month just to listen to the tunes, touch his little hands and take advantage of him. He never caused trouble and was generous.

In this case, there is no need to have trouble with Yinzi.

Thinking of this, the smile on the Madam's face became even brighter.

No.15 update

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