Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1244 The mountains and rivers are silent, and the tragedy is not yet complete

General Yue defeated the barbarians at the border and returned with a great victory. He was very happy today. He held a banquet in the palace to entertain the civil and military officials of the court and met his sworn brother whom he had not seen for a long time.

Ji Ge didn't see anyone, so he followed Mrs. Yue to the palace for the banquet.

The dust-washing banquet was held in the front hall. The hot summer was approaching, and budding flowers and leaves were sprouting from the branches. Mrs. Yue worriedly warned her eldest daughter on the road, "The palace is no different than other places. Ah Lan must be careful."

"I know." Ji Ge pursed her lips. She had a strong feeling that part of the truth she wanted might be revealed today.

She quietly opened the curtain and opened it, causing Madam Yue to scold her. The girl put down the curtain obediently and sat obediently, listening to her mother's stubborn lecture, "Look at Ali, and then look at you. Just when I said to be careful, I started moving around.”

"Mom, I know I was wrong." Ji Ge is used to being coquettish with her elders, and has her own way of teasing and behaving well.

She secretly glanced at Di Xi, who was mentioned by Mrs. Yue.

The young man sat quietly in the carriage without raising his eyes. A strand of his long black hair leaked out, making his cheeks white and soft, like the first handful of ice and snow in winter, clean and beautiful.

She folded her hands on her knees and sat upright.

The palace arrived soon.

According to regulations, carriages cannot enter the palace, so Ji Ge followed Mrs. Yue out of the car. The chamberlain came over to lead them into the front hall, with a smile on his face, "Mrs. Yue, Miss Yue and Mr. Yue, please come in."

"Thank you father-in-law."

The three of them entered the front hall under the guidance of the chamberlain. They were seated very close to the front. The banquet had not yet started, but most of the people in the hall were already here. The queen was sitting at the top. When she saw Mrs. Yue coming in, she waved and said with a smile, "Mrs. Yue." Here we go, this is Miss Yue and the young master."

Ji Ge reluctantly pulled her lips after being named, and walked to the Queen with Di Xi, "Greetings to the Queen."

Both siblings have extremely outstanding looks. Standing together, they are as bright as twin stars. The queen was slightly amazed when she saw them, and spoke to Madam Yue, "Madam has raised a pair of good children."

Mrs. Yue was also proud, looking tenderly at the child for whom she had devoted all her efforts. The eldest son followed her husband to the border when he was young, leaving only her daughter and her frail younger son.

They were talking with smiles on top, and the ladies of the aristocratic family exchanged glances. Remembering that neither of them were engaged, they had thoughts in their minds.

The hour was approaching, and the emperor and General Yue strode into the palace together.

"Your Majesty and General Yue are here." The queen stood up to greet him and held his hand. The emperor and the empress sat on it together, and the positions of General Yue and the junior general were second only to the empress. The importance of father and son. The banquet rules in the palace were complicated and boring. Jige put down his chopsticks without interest after eating something, and conscientiously acted as a mascot that only smiled.

The palace maid poured tea for her, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally. Most of the tea poured onto the girl's sleeves, and she let out a low exclamation.

"I'm sorry, slave," she said awkwardly, "Miss Yue, please go with me to change clothes."

Ji Ge smiled half-heartedly. The eldest lady, who had read many secular stories in the world of cultivation, said lightly, "It doesn't matter."

Many people noticed this, so Ji Ge got up calmly and followed the palace maid to change into clean clothes.

She entered the wing, did not change clothes, but looked around the room, hid on the beam, and held her breath.

There was a strange aroma burning in the room. Ji Ge carefully identified the ingredients and frowned slightly.

There is no aphrodisiac, is she overthinking it?
With a creak, the door was pushed open, and the tall man came in. As soon as he came in, he anxiously touched behind the screen. Ji Ge raised his lips coldly and tapped the wood with his fingertips.

It seemed like she didn't think much of it.

"Is he the third prince?" She whispered softly, her eyes unpredictable.

Did Qin Shi do it?
The man seemed drunk and laughed excitedly. His voice was not similar to Qin Shi's. Ji Ge clicked his tongue, wasn't it Qin Shi?
She jumped off the rafter, knocked the person unconscious decisively, and then waited patiently for a while. Someone knocked on the door with a warm and clear voice.

"Sixth brother, are you okay?"

Sure enough it was him.

Ji Ge thought clearly about the cause and effect and remained silent. He waited for people to come in and easily put Qin Shi down. Then, before turning out the window, he paused and took out the elixir he had bought out of curiosity from the storage ring. I hate feeding them both.

She gritted her teeth and dared to attack her aunt, she was so tired of living.

The palace maid who was supposed to be guarding outside the room disappeared, and Ji Ge was not surprised. She walked slowly towards the front hall along her memory.

No.20 second update

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