Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 130 White Moonlight Counterattack Manual

Chapter 130 White Moonlight Counterattack Manual (18)

After Grandma Zhang said this, Ji Ge remembered who Fu Mingyue was.

Fu Mingyue is the younger sister who was taken care of by the original owner. Although the two are not related by blood, their relationship has gradually become closer as they get along day and night, and their relationship is no less than that of real sisters.

What's more, the original owner and Fu Mingyue were born very similar.

Similarity does not refer to appearance, but outline and temperament. Fu Mingyue has a slender appearance and is a little beauty like Lin's sister, but her personality is stubborn and cold. When standing with the original owner, others will think that they are surprisingly similar.

A soft smile appeared on Ji Ge's lips, and he asked for Fu Mingyue's phone number smoothly, and successfully sent the friend application, waiting for the application to be approved.

Grandma Zhang was usually busy taking care of the children in the orphanage, and she had limited free time. After chatting for a while, she frequently looked in the direction of the playroom, absent-minded.

Ji Ge got up naturally: "Dean, I also want to see those children, take me there."

"Alright," Grandma Zhang returned to her senses, with an obvious smile on her brows and eyes: "The group of children said they like you very much."

It is still school time, and there are not many children staying in the orphanage, only three or four children in total.

Most of the abandoned children are disabled, and there are very few healthy ones like the original owner and Fu Mingyue.

There are even some children who have intellectual problems. They are already seven or eight years old, but their eyes are still ignorant, and they are happily playing with building blocks with the people next to them.

Ji Ge squatted down and patiently talked to the child, even if he spoke incoherently, he didn't dislike him.

The girl lowered her head slightly, her side face was soaked in the bright light of the room, her hair was black and her eyes were delicate, her lips were soft and pink, and she was incredibly gentle.

"Host," the system reminded: "The host is watching you outside."

Ji Ge's smile remained unchanged: "I see."

Li Li looked at the scene inside quietly through a small piece of glass inlaid on the door.

A tall and slender girl with a bright and beautiful appearance, like a crimson rose, but with a soft light on her brows and eyes, her smiling appearance is bright and proud.

Li Li seemed to have returned to three years ago in an instant, and Fu Fu also coaxed the children patiently, laughing at Yan Yan.

But at that time, he was by Fu Fu's side, playing with the children together.

Unlike now, you can only peep secretly.

Li Li's eyes darkened slightly, he pushed the door open and entered.

When Ji Ge heard the movement, he turned his head to look at him in surprise, with a smile on his face, but immediately pursed his lips, and called him strangely: "President Li, why are you here?"

Li Li suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of unwillingness. He naturally would not say that he hurried over after learning that Ji Ge was coming to the orphanage, but simply said: "I will visit the orphanage every weekend. Look, I happened to bump into Miss Fu today."

Ji Ge's eyes flickered, watching Li Li come forward, the children were no strangers to him, and his tone softened: "It turns out that President Li likes children so much."

It was rare for Li Li to hear Ji Ge talk to him so calmly, and the content of the text he hastily received yesterday flashed before his eyes, and he said lightly: "Not really, it's just that my first love likes it."

Fu Fu lost his memory.

This is the result of the people he sent to analyze the data that Ji Ge has shown since its appearance.

She valued the orphanage so much that she would not wait until now to come here.

But Li Sheng took advantage of the emptiness and gained Fu Fu's wholehearted trust.

Thinking of this, Li Li felt that his heart was being tightly grasped, and the pain that could not be ignored made him feel uncomfortable all over his body.

 Three more, and one more will be posted later.

  I'm afraid that the new little angels will not be clear. Generally, there are [-] changes per day, and there will be additional changes in special circumstances.

  In the manuscript, there is a recommendation on the 21st, and I will try it every day.


(End of this chapter)

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