Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 140 White Moonlight Counterattack Manual

Chapter 140 White Moonlight Counterattack Manual (Extra)
"Boss Li, it's time to get off work."

The secretary said respectfully to the young man standing in front of the glass wall.

Li Li turned his head slowly, revealing a stern and handsome face.

He nodded to the secretary and walked away.

The young man's apathy was so strong that the secretary was almost out of breath.

It wasn't until Li Li left that the secretary breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past three years, since Fu Jige's death, Li Li has become more and more indifferent and paranoid.

He banned Xia Ranran, a starlet who was once in love with the palm of his hand, even though Xia Ranran was crying at the door of the company, he did not soften his heart.

And Li Sheng, who used to put Ji Ge to death for Xia Ranran, was imprisoned for violating laws and regulations within a few days after Ji Ge's death.

The opponent did not know how to obtain the evidence of Li Sheng's crime, and sent Li Sheng in with a report.

However, the most shocking thing is that Mr. Li, who is gentle on the surface but ambitious, voluntarily dismissed the lawyer team and confessed to all the crimes.

The two uncles and nephews of the Li family are both crazy, and they both went crazy because of a woman.

Li's mother scolds Fu Jige all day long at home. In her opinion, Fu Jige has made her son obsessed, and Li Li, who will kill him even after death, keeps all women at arm's length, which is a curse.

Li Li didn't know what the secretary was thinking, he drove home, and halfway received a call from his friends, changed his direction, and went to the bar to get drunk.

After Jige's death, he often anesthetized himself with alcohol.

A group of demons danced wildly in the private room, a group of second-generation restless only drank, and even ordered a few girls to accompany them.

Several beauties coaxed the second generation to be happy, their eyes fell on Li Li from time to time, but no one dared to make a move.

Everyone knows that this gentleman cannot be touched.

But today there was a new girl who was very bold, she walked towards Li Li with a glass of red wine, and said in a clear voice, "President Li, would you like a drink?"

Li Li raised his head indifferently, his eyes were suddenly in a trance.

The person in front of him was very similar to Ji Ge.

Does this resemblance refer to their appearance, Ji Ge looks bright and beautiful, but the little beauty in front of her is slender and beautiful, with her lips pursed and her smile faint.

The posture and look are very similar.

For the first time, Li Li did not refuse, and took the wine from the little beauty.

Not far away, the second generations who watched all this with trepidation breathed a sigh of relief. At first they were worried that Li Li would offend them because of this self-assertive girl, but now they understand, men.

Always a little mean.

"Brother Li," someone winked and looked at Li Li with a beauty in his arms: "Do you want me to find a room for you?"

The people next to him laughed tacitly.

Li Li's movements paused, but he did not refuse. He let the man give orders, his thin lips were pale in color, with a fragile feeling of fragility.

He hasn't slept well for a long time.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell into a nightmare, and the old scene reappeared, repeating the scene of Jige Juejue crashing into the big truck, which always woke him up in the middle of the night, and then he could not sleep until dawn.

Li Li knew that the person in front of him was not Ji Ge, but as long as there was a slight resemblance, he would be happy with it.

"What's your name?" Li Li raised his head slightly, looking at the girl in front of him.

"Hui Shao Li," the girl said with a clean smile, "My name is Fu Mingyue, you can call me Mingyue."

Is it bright moon?
It's just that his moon has long since fallen.

Li Li thought inexplicably, and recalled the last side of their uncle and nephew before Li Sheng went to prison.

At that time, the man purposely cleaned himself up, and his smile was not cloudy, but relieved and calm.

Li Li didn't understand why Li Sheng wanted to disband the lawyer team. The sum of those crimes was enough to kill Li Sheng.

Li Sheng told him calmly: "Fu Fu likes me when I look clean."

The man chuckled: "She is so bright and beautiful. I hope that when I go to find her, she will still look like Fu Fu likes her."

Li Li was suddenly speechless.

Everyone was missing a dead person, and her departure set off a storm in their world.

It was dark.

Perhaps with this girl who looks like Ji Ge by his side, it is rare for Li Li not to have nightmares, but to dream about the past between him and Ji Ge.

The girl who was walking beside him turned her head slightly and called softly.

"Ah Oak."

The clear and pleasant voice sounded like a silver bell, and Li Li looked at her greedily, with an uncontrollable heartache in his heart.


A sharp pain in his heart woke Li Li up from his dream.

Blood stained on the light blue shirt, Li Li's painful lips turned white, and his voice was low and inaudible: "Why?"

Fu Mingyue clenched the fruit knife in her hand without moving, and looked at Li Li with a blank expression on her face, her pretense of tenderness and weakness disappeared, revealing ice and snow-like coolness and coldness.

The moonlight streamed from the glass window, covering half of the room.

The girl raised her long eyelashes slightly, and said slowly: "My name is Fu Mingyue, Fu, and I am Fu Jige's Fu."

Li Li suddenly understood everything.

"Why didn't you save her?" Fu Mingyue knelt on the bed, her eyes slowly filled with tears, and said with a choked voice, "Why did you push her into hell?"

Fu Mingyue thought of the message Ji Ge sent her before she died, bit her lip and questioned.

Sister Ji Ge: "Mingyue, you have to live well."

But the person who told her to live a good life had already disappeared.

Fu Mingyue recalled that when she was a child, the orphanage didn't want to be as dilapidated as it is now. Many children were sent in, and because of her weak body, she was favored by the aunts in the orphanage.

As a result, many children were bullied, and the aunts were too busy to take care of everything.

Only her sister Ji Ge would stand in front of her, and would rather protect her than being beaten all over her body.

But such a good person was killed by them.

"I killed Xia Ranran," Fu Mingyue raised her head, her tone was calm: "Now it's your turn, Li Li."

It took Fu Mingyue three years to piece together the truth bit by bit, and then planned this lore.

Every detail has been carefully considered by her, and she strives to leave no flaws.

Fu Mingyue knew that the people behind her were just using her to get rid of Li Li.

But so what? !
Fu Mingyue calmly called the police and told the truth about all her crimes.

Li Li moved his fingers, but in the end he calmly swallowed his breath without saying anything.

After all, he was cowardly, he didn't go to Ji Ge immediately, so his Fu Fu, will he wait for him below?

Fu Mingyue pulled out the fruit knife, blood dripped on the bed sheet, the girl was in a daze, and then hummed a little tune softly.

"...Playing in the sky, the moon is round, like a small plate. The moon is curved, like a boat. Get on the boat and play in the sky..."

Many years ago, Ji Ge was imprisoned for fighting, she sneaked in to accompany her, and then the girl hugged her and hummed this nursery rhyme softly.

The moon was high in the sky at that time, full and beautiful.

Ji Ge bent her eyes and told her: "Mingyue, you have to remember that the moon will always hang in the sky, bright and bright."

But what shines brightly is not the moon.

It was the person who watched the moon with her at that time.

Amid the approaching sound of sirens, Fu Mingyue thought so.

[Current mission completion: [-]]

Ji Ge looked at the completed task page, his eyes moved slightly, but in the end he said nothing: "Get out of the plane."


Ji Ge's consciousness suddenly became dull, and he left this plane.

 One more.

  There are a lot of words in this chapter, it should be two more.

  That nursery rhyme was found online, and it was originally called "Playing in the Sky".

(End of this chapter)

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