Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 143 23 things about the princess and the little mermaid

Chapter 143 Anecdotes about the Princess and the Little Mermaid (3)

My shark system.

After waking up, Jige's first thought was to kill the system.

The ghost knew that he had just come to the plane and almost died directly.

"Host," the system said weakly, feeling the murderous aura on Ji Ge, "The current favorability value of the task target Terris: five."

Ji Ge's mind moved, and he slowly opened his eyes.

She didn't know how long she had been in a coma. The terrible storm had passed and the sun was shining brightly.

The girl lay on the beach, got up slowly, and checked her situation.

The sea water on the tender skin was extremely uncomfortable after being dried, and the salt grains fell off with a slight movement of the eyelashes.

The long skirt on Ji Ge's body was extremely gorgeous, and it became extremely heavy after being soaked, making it difficult to dry out.

The light brown curly hair was full of sand, Ji Ge patted the curly hair casually, and sighed.

Unexpectedly, the first test he faced when he came to the plane was not the battle for the throne, but survival in the wilderness.

The span of this situation is too large.


Ji Ge looked around, where did her so-called task object go, why didn't she see even a hair? !
"The host," the system reminded, "he's in the sea."

Ji Ge was slightly taken aback, looked towards the sea, searched carefully for a long time, and finally caught a touch of gold on the sea that was rippling with waves.

In the sea, so what kind of species is the other party?
fish? !
"It's a mermaid," the system corrected: "Host, come on, I believe you can do it."

It fell silent after speaking.

"..." I don't think I can.

This dog system.

Ji Ge slandered the system fiercely in his heart, then lifted the corner of his skirt and walked slowly towards the sea.

The clear and transparent sea water flowed over the girl's slender, snow-white calf, creating circles of ripples.

The pair of shoes on Ji Ge's feet are exquisite and beautiful, but they are not suitable for walking on the beach, Ji Ge simply took them off and carried them in his hands.

The golden color swam further away, making it even more difficult to detect.

Ji Ge narrowed her eyes. She had a good intention and wanted to meet her mission target, but she didn't take into account that her body was fragile, and soon she couldn't hold on, and she staggered and fell to the ground.

The wide skirt floated away meanderingly, floating on the sea, Ji Ge rubbed her calf that was rubbed red by small stones, and couldn't help sighing.

Really, when will the rescue come, don't mention completing the plane mission here, let's talk about living first.

As if attracted by the movement of the girl falling, the golden color gradually approached, and the thick long hair spread out, sinking and floating like seaweed.


The mermaid broke out of the water, looked at Ji Ge from a distance, and said, "Are you all right?"

The shock of beauty came too suddenly, Ji Ge was completely overwhelmed, unable to speak for a while.

That was a very delicate boy.

The long hair, as bright as molten gold, cascaded down casually. Perhaps because of staying in the sea all year round, the young man's skin is exceptionally fair, almost transparent and clear.

The blue eyes are crystal clear, slightly lighter than emeralds and a line above the translucent color, appearing gentle and clear, like precious gems, so beautiful that it catches people's eyes.

Under the straight bridge of the nose are slender and bright red lips, as gorgeous and thick as a rose, slightly pursed, revealing a seemingly indifferent indifference.

Perhaps it was because the race was a mermaid, a few fine pale gold scales appeared sporadically around the boy's cheeks, but this did not affect his beauty, on the contrary, it showed a beauty that was completely different from that of human beings.

Jige's dull face.

Is this the object of her mission?It's a little too pretty.

 One update, the rest will still be posted at night.

  There are some cards written in the new plane, and there may be no way to add so many. (︿)
(End of this chapter)

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