Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 146 23 things about the princess and the little mermaid

Chapter 146 Anecdotes about the Princess and the Little Mermaid (6)

Just after dawn, Ji Ge woke up.

It was almost summer, the temperature was very high during the day, but it was very cool at night. Ji Ge's skirt looked beautiful, but it didn't keep warm.

In addition, the reef is hard, and sleeping on it is not very comfortable.

Ji Ge rubbed his sore waist, trying to find a place with fresh water to clean himself up.

Sea water is too salty to be suitable for bathing.

The little mermaid didn't know where he went in the morning, and Ji Ge didn't find him.

The long skirt was torn from the middle and turned into a short one, revealing the girl's creamy white and flawless calves, and the high-heeled shoes stepped on the shallow grass silently.

This island is not big, and there are no traces of large wild animals on it, so it is barely safe.

But just in case, Jige held a stone in his left hand and a long branch in his right, and found a small stream smoothly.

The creek is not deep, you can see the bottom at a glance, and the water flow is clear and transparent.

Ji Ge breathed a sigh of relief, looked around vigilantly, took off the long skirt, scrubbed his body carefully, even washed the long skirt seriously.

It was still early, and the girl even calmly adjusted her face in front of the stream, dipped her curly hair in the water and combed it so that it was wet behind her back. Then she turned around and walked back to the beach slowly.

Teres sat on the reef, her golden fish tail was half submerged in the sea water, swaying slightly.

Hearing the sound of approaching, the young man turned his head casually, and saw Ji Ge approaching step by step, with an obvious daze on his face.

Compared to yesterday's messy appearance, the girl looked much neater now, with light brown curly hair hanging down her waist, which made her palm-sized face extraordinarily delicate.

There was a faint smile in the honey-colored pupils, and the girl curled her lips and looked at herself with a smile.

Under the sunlight, she looked like a forest elf, walking towards him unhurriedly.

[Terris's current favorability value: [-]]

Ji Ge heard the system prompt, and raised his eyelashes, wondering why Terris's favorability value suddenly increased.

"Is this your fish tail?" Ji Ge was immediately distracted by the slender and beautiful fish tail: "It's so beautiful."

The young man's fishtail was bright golden, the same color as his long hair, and covered with fine scales. Ji Ge took a closer look and found that there were delicate patterns on the scales, which made him extraordinarily noble and dazzling.

Teres's earlobe was slightly red, and he turned his head to look at Jige, and found that the girl was just purely praising, and had no other meaning in it.

"Then, do you want to touch it?" Teres blinked and said impulsively.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Teres regretted it, and felt a little shame in his heart.

For mermaids, the tail is an absolutely private place that only the closest partner can touch.

"Can you?" Jige's eyes widened, and before Teres could repent, he raised his hand and put it on.

The touch is icy and cool, which is no different from the touch of other sea fish.

However, the young man does not have the fishy smell of sea fish, but the slightly salty sea salt smell, which is very refreshing.

Perfect for the taste of summer.

The girl's fingers were slender and tender, and the soft jade-like touch lightly slid across the fish's tail, and the fingertips touched the scales casually, obviously very curious about this.

The touch on the tail of the fish gave Teres an honest response. The tips of the young man's ears were so red that they were about to bleed. Finally, he couldn't stand it any longer. He stretched his arms slightly to the side and jumped into the sea.

[Terris's current favorability value: [-]]

Ji Ge looked bewildered.

what did she do?

How did the favorability value rise so quickly? !

 Four more.

  The hostess of someone else's house sprinkled candy with the host easily.

  Haw played wilderness survival with the little mermaid on the island (*︶*)..:*

(End of this chapter)

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