Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 149 23 things about the princess and the little mermaid

Chapter 149 Anecdotes about the Princess and the Little Mermaid (9)

"Your Highness," Philip lowered his head slightly, not daring to look further: "Please board the boat."

"Wait," Ji Ge emphasized: "Just wait a moment."

Under the gaze of the Cavaliers, the slender girl trotted to the beach, knelt down, and whispered to Teres, who had been hiding when Philip arrived, "Teres, I'm leaving."

The little mermaid bulged her cheeks, feeling a little bored for some reason: "Oh."

"Do you want to leave with me?" Ji Ge bent his eyes, his light brown curly hair fell on his snow-white cheeks, and his tone was expectant.

Teres opened his mouth, wanting to reject Lone Song.

She is human and should return to her own world.

But his figure was clearly reflected in those honey-colored eyes, a small one, who was being watched intently by the girl.

Teres suddenly couldn't say the words of rejection.


Regarding the fact that His Royal Highness Shirley brought back a mermaid, although Philip was surprised, he asked directly because of his status.

Ji Ge took a hot bath, changed into a clean and brand new long skirt, and returned to the room.


A series of drops of water were thrown to the ground.

The mermaid poked her head out, put her fingers on the edge of the barrel, and looked at Ji Ge curiously.

"Terris," Jige approached, and naturally stretched out his hand to rub Teresa's long hair, the corners of his lips slightly curved: "Are you satisfied with the environment here?"

The head is the weak point of the mermaid. Teres didn't expect that Jige would touch him unexpectedly, his body tensed up, and it took a while to relax: "It's okay."

Mermaids need to live in water, so Theseus can only temporarily stay in the tub.

The tub was big enough to hold a person without any problem, but the boy was tall and slender, not to mention the long fish tail, which made the tub look cramped.

"I have wronged you." Ji Ge clapped his hands and comforted him.

Teres's eyelashes trembled. Just as she was about to speak, there was a knock on the door. After a while, the maid said respectfully, "Your Highness, it's time for lunch."

Ji Ge couldn't help but smiled: "I'll talk to you when I come back."

The boy pursed his lips and nodded.

The only ones who had lunch were Jika and Philip.

The dining table was very quiet. The original owner had been influenced by royal etiquette since he was a child, and his movements were graceful when eating, even when he was drinking soup, he would not make the slightest sound.

"Your Highness," Philip said with lowered eyes, "according to His Majesty's instructions, I will escort you back to the capital."

Ji Ge paused slightly: "Have you found the whereabouts of His Royal Highness August?"

"Not yet," Philip comforted, "His Royal Highness Augustus, as a Templar, would not be caught in such a small storm."

Ji Ge smiled and didn't deny it.

The whereabouts of the hero is naturally not so easy to find.

After all, he is still on an unknown island, cultivating feelings with the heroine who was also in trouble.

"I'm done," Ji Ge got up and said softly, "Philip, I wish you a pleasant meal."

Philip watched Ji Ge's figure disappear from sight, thinking deeply.

After such a sudden disaster, he felt that His Highness had changed a lot.

Her Royal Highness Shirley's deliberate gentleness and intimacy have subsided a lot, and her demeanor has become more indifferent and alienated. She looks like a high-ranking royal princess more than ever before.

Noble and proud, shining brightly like a pearl.

 seven more.

  No more today.

  There is an advance collection next door, I don’t know how to release it, after the author’s research, little angels can go and have a look (*︶*)..:*

(End of this chapter)

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