Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 154 23 things about the princess and the little mermaid

Chapter 154 Anecdotes about the Princess and the Little Mermaid (14)

Philip, as the knight commander of the Saint Glia Knights, is also a sweet bun in the eyes of the daughters.

Rejecting a girl's dance floor invitation again, Philip walked out of the banquet hall in a distraught manner.

"Your Excellency Philip, wait a moment." A gentle female voice sounded from behind.

Philip turned his head, looked at Ji Ge who was following behind and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why did Her Highness Shirley find me suddenly? Philip is really flattered."

Mingli teased, but behind his back, he distanced himself calmly.

Ji Ge did not shrink back because of Philip's alienation, but smiled slightly: "The sun is very good today, and the scenery in the garden is very moving, so I want to ask you to take a walk in the garden. By the way, thank you, Philip, for your help." Zhien, may I ask your Excellency to give Shirley this chance?"

Philip did not refuse: "Since Your Highness has said so, I will naturally not refuse."

There were not many people in the garden, and only a few maids could be seen occasionally.

Ji Ge suddenly stopped, turned back to look at Philip, and picked off a rose with golden leaves: "Give it to Your Excellency."

"What does Your Highness Shirley want Philip to do, why not tell me clearly." Philip lightly tanned without reaching out to pick up the rose.

Ji Ge smiled lowly, playing with the delicate and beautiful rose, and said in a cool tone, "Your Excellency Philip, don't be so nervous. Shirley just wants to talk to you about a deal that is good for both parties."

"Rose is beautiful, but I still prefer roses with plucked thorns." Ji Ge pointed out.

Philip's face immediately turned cold: "What does Her Highness Shirley mean?"

"It's not interesting," Ji Ge smiled and handed a ring to Philip: "Your Excellency can think about it carefully before giving me the answer."

After finishing speaking, Ji Ge left Shi Shiran.

Only Philip with a dull face was left in place, holding the familiar ring with increasing strength gradually.

"I'm back." Ji Ge didn't stay long at the banquet, thinking about Teres's unfulfilled favorability points, and quickly returned to the room.

Teres stayed in another place, the palace brought in sea water, and specially built an open-air pool for His Royal Highness Shirley's recent pet.

Teres stayed in the pool during the day, and returned to the bath with the song of silence at night.

"Xiryl," the young man came out of the water, the cool water drops slipped from his cheeks, and shattered lightly. He swam towards the direction of Ji Ge: "Is the banquet fun?"

"It's not fun," Ji Ge already had the experience of coaxing people, and he opened his mouth with sweet words: "Without Teres, the banquet is meaningless."

Teres' cheeks burned again, and the blond and beautiful boy bit his lips, the tip of his snow-white teeth sank slightly into the bright red lips like roses, grinding them in shame and indignation.

The heart was beating so fast that the rhythm was almost out of control.

It was a novel feeling that he had never experienced before.

[Terris's current favorability value: [-]]

Teres swam to the side of the pool, put his hands on the edge of the pool, and wanted to get closer to Ji Song.

But the boy's movements suddenly stopped.

"You smell like another man." Teres raised her eyes and asked aggrievedly, "Who is it?"

This tone is a bit like Zheng Gong questioning Xiaosan.

Ji Ge didn't think much, mistakenly thought that he was sensitive to the smell of strangers, and explained: "It's Philip, the one who saved me on the island before."

Teres remembered the name he had occasionally heard in Jige's mouth before, and his face was a little ugly.

Such a deep breath contamination meant that they must be very close.

Obviously he was the one who saved Ji Ge.

Why should that Philip take the credit? !
 Fifth watch, there is no more today, and the pace will be accelerated.

  Let’s talk about the setting of the plane, it’s western fantasy, fairy tale oriented, there are species like mermaids, witches and dwarves, but there is no magic, no gods, and the religious belief is superficial.

  I won't write more about the species that are not involved. Generally speaking, it is a simple Western fantasy cookie.

  Thank you little angel for voting for me, I love you so much, refill (*︶*)..:*


(End of this chapter)

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