Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 160 23 things about the princess and the little mermaid

Chapter 160 Anecdotes about the Princess and the Little Mermaid (20)

Two days later.

The mansion where August is temporarily resting received a call from Ji Ge.

As a fiancée, Ji Ge's reasons for seeing August are justified, no one can pick a thorn out of it, and it is not easy to stop it.

So August thought again and again, and asked the servant to prepare things for Ji Song's visit.

Ji Ge only brought Deriya alone, and came to August's mansion in a low-key manner without attracting the attention of the outside world.

"His Royal Highness Shirley," August greeted him, his gaze was involuntarily attracted by Deriya beside Ji Ge, and he said gracefully, "Thank you for coming to see me."

"Deriya," Jige didn't respond to August, but turned and said to Deriya, "I have something important to discuss with His Royal Highness August, so you can go out first."

August couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of Jige, he watched Jige for a few seconds, frowned and drove all the servants and maids out of the room, and then slowly said: "I don't know Her Highness Bai Xueli's meaning."

After all, he is the male lead, with a keen mind, and he quickly saw something abnormal in Ji Ge's unusual attitude.

"August, I'm here to discuss a deal with you," the girl smiled slightly, her brown eyes were as sweet and clear as honey: "It's not easy for outsiders to know."

August took a look at Ji Ge, a little disapprovingly: "What kind of deal does it require Her Highness Xue Lier to come in person?"

Ji Ge's smile remained unchanged, and he tilted his head and said, "What do you think of Deriya?"

"What do you mean, Your Highness?" The young man's body tensed all of a sudden, and his vigilant and defensive eyes fell on Ji Ge.

It seems that the emotional progress of the hero and heroine is not small.

Ji Ge said softly: "I know you don't want to continue this engagement, and it just so happens that I don't want to either."

She raised her eyes slightly, and her slender figure was shrouded in shadow, with a half-bright light and shadow falling down.

Gentle, not dazzling, but it is impossible to ignore her light.

This is the much-loved Princess Shirley in the capital.

The girl's voice was also blurred: "As long as you help me, I will help you solve the problem of Deriya's identity."

"How about this deal?"

August looked at her inexplicably, and sighed slightly: "I really underestimated the princess."

Lone Song already knew August's answer.

The charm of the heroine is naturally not small.

"Okay, I promise you."

Lonely Song didn't stay long at August's mansion, and their engagement hadn't been formally canceled. The king planned to wait for August to recover and the people sent by Norn Kingdom to continue the marriage.

However, this marriage will definitely not go smoothly.

When Ji Ge returned to the bedroom, the first thing she did was to go to the bath to see her little mermaid.

Since Teres had a premonition that she was about to become an adult, she no longer stayed in the pool, and stayed in the bath obediently no matter day or night.

However, Ji Ge did not find his whereabouts in the bath.

The girl's heart tightened, and she searched around the bathing pool, but after she didn't find it, she went to the pool to search again, but to no avail.

Really can't think of where Teres will go, Lone Song wakes up the system and asks Teres' whereabouts.

The system scanned the palace, and said in a strange tone: "Host, do you want to go back to the bedroom and have a look, maybe there will be a big surprise."

Ji Ge suddenly had a guess in his heart, and hurried to the bedroom.

On the soft bed lay a slender and thin figure.

Hearing her entering the door, the other party sat up and rubbed his eyes: "Xue Lier."

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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