Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 172 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 172 You are very sweet to bite (3)

The gate of the ancient castle seemed solid and heavy, but in fact Ji Ge pushed the gate open without much effort.

Thinking that there is no way for him to leave now, if he walks casually, he will run into that vampire who wants to suck her blood, Ji Ge has no way out and can only choose to go in.

What she didn't notice was that the high-hanging full moon on the dark night was dyed with traces of bright red at an extremely fast speed, making it look weird and alluring.

Once the blood moon comes out, it means that blood clans of the prince level and above are awake or nearby.

The roses grew more and more enthusiastically, and the flower vines entwined and climbed up the castle. Bats flew out, stopped on the tree, and looked at the castle from afar.

In the villa not far away, the vampires who were eating raised their heads one after another, with either surprise or fear or joy in their eyes.

Who, why did you suddenly wake up? !

Ji Ge didn't know what was going on outside, she was stunned at the door now, not knowing whether to move on or leave quickly.

As soon as Ji Ge entered the door, the candlesticks of the ancient castle suddenly lit up one after another, forming a passage, as if guiding her to a certain place.

Ji Ge hesitated for a while, thinking that the system should not cheat him, and there is a high probability that the target in front of him is a strategy target with three favorability points, and he will not kill him.

After making up his mind, Ji Ge walked forward calmly, feeling sad while walking.

I am really getting worse and worse. People who were not afraid of death before began to look forward and backward for a little luck.

Ji Ge: I have finally grown up, and I have learned to count and count (ω)
At the end of the candlesticks are two huge stone doors, the golden paint winding with complicated rose pattern, gorgeous and dazzling, it looks both stylish and identity.

Before Ji Ge could touch it, the stone gate slowly opened to both sides.

Ji Ge's face changed slightly, she subconsciously covered her eyes with her hands, the bright light made her unable to open them for a while.

After a long time, Jige, who got used to the brightness, put down his hand and walked in the door slowly.


Ji Ge's footsteps were very light, but the young man on the throne suddenly looked up, his expression was a little careless, looking down at the girl who broke into his territory, his tone was three parts lazy and three parts indifferent, Four points are indifferent: "Human?"

His volume was not loud, but Ji Ge could hear him clearly.

Ji Ge looked up at him and forgot to answer for a moment.

The boy in front of him was extremely delicate.

The moon-like silver hair is slightly long, half covering the boy's overly good-looking eyebrows and eyes, the blood eyes are clear and pure, as if the thick blood color after precipitation, the straight and straight bridge of the nose and the lower lip are like cherry blossoms flying wantonly under the clear sky, fragile and beautiful.

His skin is extremely white, probably because he hasn't seen the sun for a long time, it's almost sickly white.

The young man was wearing a white satin uniform inlaid with gold trim. He looked dignified and graceful, with his chin resting on his right hand, and his movements were lazy, inexplicably dangerous and depressing.

In general, this is a young man who is terrifying at a glance and wants to escape. The cold and indifferent aura on his body is too strong, but his eyes are a bit sleepy, and his long eyelashes are half drooping, falling in his blood eyes. The faint shadows made him a bit more beautiful and weak, making people involuntarily ignore his danger and be attracted to him involuntarily.

"You smell very fragrant." The young man said thoughtfully, and his figure suddenly disappeared on the throne.

Ji Ge's hair was about to explode, and he looked around in a panic, looking defensive.

A cool breath hit the back of his neck, Ji Ge froze, not daring to move for a moment.

 Three shifts.

  Scheduled publication is set, public chapters cannot be published at the same time, so I will post one chapter per minute (*︶*)..:*

(End of this chapter)

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