Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 175 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 175 You are very sweet to bite (6)

Not knowing when he would be able to see the target of the raid, Ji Ge thought about it, and decided to brush up the task completion of this small plane first.

The original owner's wish was related to her family.

Cheng Jige was born in a typical patriarchal family. His parents doted on their only son, but they didn't care about their daughter, which made the original owner cowardly and reticent.

Not long ago, the father of the original owner owed a large amount of money because of gambling, and his hand was almost chopped off. Seeing that the house he lived in was about to be sold to pay off the debt, a man appeared suddenly, willing to pay a large amount of money, Buy the original owner.

It was a low-level vampire who had seen the injured original owner by chance and smelled the unusually sweet scent of the girl's blood. He was overjoyed immediately and signed an agreement with the Cheng family's parents.

They formally disown their original owner, who is forced to transfer to Alita Academy and die.

It can be said that the original owner's parents were also responsible for the original owner's death. Although they did not directly attack the original owner, any fool could see how weird the agreement signed between the blood clan and them was.

A useless young girl was bought by him at a high price, and she was transferred to a noble academy with such a high tuition fee. It is strange that there is no trick in it.

And the wish of the original owner is that he doesn't want to have anything to do with them.

Ji Ge rested her chin on her chin. The original owner's parents were people with no integrity and morality. They were used to the original owner's unconditional giving. Seeing her live a good life, they would shamelessly steal her blood again.

It's kind of disgusting to think about it.

The girl's eyes dimmed, and while she was planning what to do to get rid of the Cheng family completely, she absent-mindedly went to the bathroom to wash up.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed.

Ji Ge suddenly came back to his senses, turned his head and glanced around, his body tensed up in a defensive and vigilant posture: "Who?!"

"fear me?"

A tired and lazy voice sounded slowly, and the voice was extremely pleasant. The silver-haired, blood-eyed boy changed into a normal suit, as if he had entered his own home, with a relaxed expression.


Why did this guy come running over suddenly? !
Even seeing his own attack target, Ji Ge did not let down his vigilance.

This person in front of him is not the soft and cute Teres, although he is a bad guy, but he is still wholeheartedly toward her.

The first feeling told Ji Ge that Roy was dangerous and it was better to stay away from him.

"Anyway, I saved your life yesterday," the young man scoffed, "It's time to turn your back on it."

Ji Ge's eyelashes trembled. The girl looked extremely weak due to long-term malnutrition. She was a thin and small one, with long light chestnut hair piled on her shoulders, which made her face extremely small, and her round eyes were foggy. Containing water vapor, it looks pitiful and innocent.

To put it simply, it is a typical little white flower appearance that is easy to soften the heart.

"What do you want to do?" Ji Ge asked cautiously as thoughts turned quickly in his mind.

Seeing that she refused to approach, Roy's eyes flickered, and his snow-white fingers slowly teased the buttons of his clothes, and his figure disappeared instantly.

When Ji Ge regained consciousness, she had already fallen into an embrace filled with cold fragrance.

The body behind her was icy cold, and the boy accidentally touched the girl's bare skin, and she shivered from the cold, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

In a sense, apart from being able to think and act, the vampires are actually no different from corpses.

They have no heartbeat, extremely low body temperature, cruel and bloodthirsty, under the elegant and noble skin is a ruthless heart.

Fascinating and terrifying.

 Two more.

  If you want to write about a little black house, let’s write a little sick girl in the next plane, the one who can close the heroine’s little black house (*︶*)..:*

(End of this chapter)

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