Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 177 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 177 You are very sweet to bite (8)

It rained in the middle of physical education class.

Leaden gray clouds piled up on the sky, and the sky was dark.

The drizzle was like silk, fluttering and falling down, endlessly.

The cool wind blows again and again, blowing the flowers, branches and green leaves.

Ji Ge was lying on the bed in the infirmary, half-closed eyes, drowsy.

Because the teacher in the infirmary suggested that Ji Ge had better stay in the infirmary to rest in the afternoon, and leave after the ankle swelling subsides, Ji Ge persuaded Zuo An'an and the others not to wait for her, but to go back to class first.

After all, Ji Ge has an injured name on her head, and if Zuo An'an and the classmates who brought her here linger in the infirmary for a long time, they will easily be regarded as skipping class by the physical education teacher.

Zuo An'an hesitated for a while, but Ji Ge and that classmate went back to the gymnasium first, and then came to see her after class.

The teacher in the infirmary has something to do. Before leaving, she told Ji Ge that if she is bored, she can sleep in the lounge for a while, and no one will disturb her.

Jige did as he was told.

Suddenly there was a series of crashing sounds outside the window, Ji Ge was startled awake, rubbing his eyes and sitting up, he found that it was the little bat that was anxiously crashing against the glass window.

Ji Ge slowly moved to the window, opened the window to let the little bat come in, and nodded its fluffy little head: "Why do you always follow me?"

The little bat opened its black eyes, carefully hugged Ji Ge's fingers with its wings, and squeaked twice, like a mouse.

Jige combed its rain-drenched fluff, and asked in a low voice, "Did Roy ask you to come over and watch me?"

The little bat's eyes widened, looking very surprised.

It looked so cute, and Ji Ge couldn't help teasing it.

"Host," the system's childish voice sounded, seemingly aggrieved: "I can do it too."

"What?" It was rare for the system to make a sound, and Ji Ge asked curiously.

"My original body is also very cute, and can be stroked by the host." The system looked at the little bat broodingly, and snorted.

"..." Ji Ge didn't expect the system to open its mouth to fight for favor. It's very smart, even in the system space, it won't reveal its original body easily, turning into a light spot to fool itself: "Shut up."

"... Oh." I knew how to kill it.

Under the jealous eyes of the system, the little bat was kept by Ji Ge's side.

This little bat is Roy's illusioned avatar. It can sense Ji Ge's situation at any time, but its personality is completely different from Roy's.

The little guy is soft and obedient, unlike those gray-black bats, it is silver-gray all over, so pure that there is no stray hair, it looks very beautiful.

Zuo An'an accidentally found this cute little bat once, and his eyes were filled with red hearts, and he reached out to touch the little bat's head: "It's so cute, Cheng Cheng, where did you get this little bat?" came back?"

"I picked it up." Ji Ge replied with a smile, watching the little bat tilt its head and look at itself, flapping its wings and jumping forward, it was a soft little bat.

Zuo An'an covered his heart, the blood tank was empty.

The system didn't want to see the scene where the host was so close to it, and entered a dormant state.

Roy didn't know what he was busy these days, so he didn't come to find Ji Ge again, so Ji Ge leisurely raised bats.

When the boy finally had time to check the situation on Ji Ge's side, what he saw was that Ji Ge raised the little bat as a pet bird and fed it some bird food.

The expression on the young man's face suddenly became indescribable.

 Fourth watch, gone today.

  In fact, the author still likes Roy's character design quite a bit, I think it's cute (*︶*)..:*

(End of this chapter)

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