Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 183 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 183 You are very sweet to bite (14)

Ji Ge and Zuo An'an also failed to escape this law.

Even a girl like Wen Yao who has a cold personality and doesn't care about the affairs around her is no exception.

The way for girls to establish friendship is actually very simple. After getting along with Wen Yao for a few hours, Zuo Anan didn't feel scared when she looked at her cold face again. Yi Mingmei: "Yaoyao, please drink."

Wen Yao was stunned for a moment, a little unaccustomed to Zuo Anan's familiarity, but she didn't refuse, took the milk tea and smiled: "Thank you."

The cold girl with bright eyebrows, with a slight smile, it is like ice thawing, the spring water is flowing, and the flowers and branches are blooming in full bloom, spreading a soft and beautiful color, which is very eye-catching.

Zuo An'an looked straight at him.

Wen Yao lowered her head and took a sip of milk tea slowly.

The taste between her lips and teeth was a little too sweet. Wen Yao had always disliked these snacks, but now she didn't dislike them and drank all the milk tea.

As the most talented blood hunter in the family, she was placed high expectations by her elders, therefore, these useless things were not allowed to appear in her life.

She didn't have the snacks and dolls that girls used to when they were young, and she was accompanied by the wooden warehouse in her hand.

Her father told her that she didn't need these burdens.

Wen Yao always thought so.

Now I feel that, once in a while, I feel pretty good.

Ji Ge watched their interaction and stepped forward with a smile: "Let's go, it's almost noon, let's find a place to eat."

Wen Yao nodded, and the cup in her hand slowly emptied.

The accident happened at this time.

A man and a woman stood at the door of the milk tea shop behind them. The girl was arguing with the boy emotionally.

It seemed to be a relationship issue between the two, Ji Ge didn't care, and pulled Zuo An'an and Wen Yao to leave.

However, Wen Yao felt something was wrong, the necklace on her chest was slightly hot, her eyes darkened slightly, and her footsteps stopped involuntarily.

At this moment, the quarrel between the girl and the boy came to an end. The girl frowned, and left without looking back after saying goodbye.

The boy tried to persuade him to stay, but the girl ignored him at all and left on her own.

The boy's eyes gradually dimmed, and he suddenly opened his mouth, revealing two sharp fangs.

Wen Yao suddenly turned around.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the boy suddenly threw himself on the girl, and amidst her screams, he sucked blood recklessly.

The crowd froze for a moment, then scattered and fled in all directions after realizing it.

"It's a blood slave."

Wen Yao couldn't help but walked a few steps closer to the boy, and touched her waist with her right hand reflexively, suddenly realized something, and stopped abruptly.

She can't be exposed, if the blood race finds out that she is a blood hunter, her latent mission at Alita Academy will fail.

Wen Yao looked around, ran into the milk tea shop quickly, grabbed a chair, and just swung it on the boy's back.

The boy felt the pain, and subconsciously let go of the girl. His red eyes rolled around, as if he felt the threat from Wen Yao, so he had to let go of the girl, turned and ran away.

Wen Yao pursed her lower lip, fearing that he would hurt ordinary people, so she followed him.

There was already a lot of traffic on weekends, but after such a commotion, they immediately fell into a state of panic.

Ji Ge was separated from Zuo An'an by the rush. Seeing that the crazy crowd was about to squeeze her to the ground, a cold white and beautiful hand put on the girl's waist and hugged her in time.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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