Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 202 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 202 You are very sweet to bite (33)

In the room, Ji Ge was sitting listlessly on the bed reading a book, and when he saw him appearing suddenly, he just raised his eyelashes, the corners of his eyes drooped slightly, showing a bit listless.

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Roy rubbed Ji Ge's head and asked in a slow tone.

"Stomach hurts," Ji Ge said truthfully, covering his lower abdomen with both hands: "But it's much better now."

Today happened to be Ji Ge's menstrual period. Although this body is a bit weak, it has always been healthy, and its menstrual period is also on time every month and never hurts.

It's just that Ji Ge has been with Luo Yi for a long time recently, and the body temperature of the blood race is extremely low, so it is inevitable that she will be a little bit cold. It rained again yesterday, so she collapsed as soon as she got up in the morning.

Wen Yao happened to come to look for her, and when she saw this, she quickly asked the servant to boil a bowl of brown sugar water for her to drink, and let Ji Ge rest in the room.

"The blood race won't feel bad because of this question," Roy didn't dare to get too close to Ji Ge, and whispered: "Ha, do you want to become a blood race?"

Ji Ge: "..." You haven't given up on this idea yet.

"No." After a moment of silence, Ji Ge firmly rejected Roy's proposal.

The boy drooped his frosty and white long eyelashes, and said nothing.

Ji Ge stayed in the castle for three days, and when he returned to the academy, it hadn't been long, but he already felt as if he had passed away.

"Cheng Cheng, your illness is finally cured." Luo Yi used the reason of illness to ask for leave from the academy for her. Zuo An'an didn't know the inside story, so he was really worried.

But after Zuo An'an looked at Ji Ge carefully, he hesitated: "Cheng Cheng, aren't you recuperating at home? Why do I feel that you are getting fatter?"

"..." Ji Ge glared at her angrily, "Shut up."

Wen Yao, who was on the side, watched them fight, her lips curled up, and she smiled a little.

She had never felt such warmth and ease in Wen's house.

The Wen family taught her responsibility and responsibility, and using this as a shackle, trapped her in the Wen family.

She is the sharpest knife cultivated by the Wen family.

But it is just a tool that can be given up at any time.

"Okay," Zuo An'an blocked Ji Ge's finger and tapped her finger with his hand, and said with a smile: "In a few days, there is an art gallery in the city center that will open for free. Do you want to go and see it?"

This question is about Ji Ge and Wen Yao.

The shadow of the blood slave has passed, and Zuo An'an can't help but want to die again.

Wen Yao is still considering whether to go, but Ji Ge has already given a positive answer: "Okay."

Wen Yao was startled, but also agreed.


"Ji Ge," Wen Yao's voice came from behind, the girl was teasing the little bat, she turned her head when she heard the sound, "What's wrong?"

"It's not safe outside recently," Wen Yao hesitated to speak, and continued after considering his words: "I think the person that day may not be just after me. You should be more careful when you go out these few days. Order."

"Understood," Ji Ge's lips curved slightly, his fingertips touched the icy coldness in his secret pocket, and he said with a smile: "Yaoyao, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Wen Yao opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, but the premonition of uneasiness in her heart became stronger.

I hope she thinks too much.

Ji Ge lowered his head slightly, covering the dark light flashing past his eyes.

What she wants now is their actions.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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