Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 207 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 207 You are very sweet to bite (38)

Although it was a question sentence, the butler's tone could not be refused, and he did not give the elder a second choice.

The elder subconsciously turned his head to look at Bi Angwei, met her dodging eyes, and immediately became angry because there was something he didn't understand.

Damn it.

Now is not the time to worry about this, the only way to talk about it is to pass the level in front of you first.

The elder's expression became severe, and he said solemnly: "Bi Angwei, tell me everything you know."

Only in this way can Bi Angwei and his family have a chance of survival.

"I said," Biangwei screamed in panic as if she had grasped the last straw, because of fear, she even stuttered.

Not long ago, she was still looking forward to Jige's death, fantasizing about the future with Roy, but at this moment, she was praying that Jige would not die, otherwise she would die along with her.

The hall was silent, no one dared to speak, and even their breathing eased a little.

The boy glanced at the butler.

The housekeeper immediately understood what he meant, and asked the person who restrained Biangwei to continue to take her away while asking people to investigate the place Biangwei just said.

"Your Highness..." The elder was astonished when he saw this. After all, a little pity for the blood had the upper hand. His lips just squirmed, and Roy interrupted him as soon as he said two words.

"Ji Ge has been missing for five days." The young man took a breath, and a very clear coldness flashed in his blood pupils: "Your Excellency Hobbit, you'd better keep her safe and sound."

The young man's tone was calm, it was clearly an understatement, but the elder forcibly heard a strong killing intent from it.

He took a step back dejectedly, not daring to speak again.

Biangwei was thrown into a dungeon.

The castle was deserted and devoid of people. Recently, even the servants were careful to lighten their movements when doing things, for fear of offending His Royal Highness Roy who was in a bad mood.

The boy lay quietly on the bed, his slender fingers slowly hugging the pillow in his hands tightly, the girl's breath seemed to remain on it, with a hint of sweetness and softness, which was alluring and addictive.

With short hair covering his fair forehead, the boy murmured in a low voice, finally revealing a bit of fragility that was not obvious before: "It's been five days."

"When are you coming back?"


Ji Ge huddled in a corner, but in just a few days, she lost a lot of weight and looked even more lonely.

People from the newborn organization would take a lot of blood from her body every day, and she estimated that if this continued, this body might not be able to hold on any longer.

There is a camera above her head facing her, monitoring her every move 24 hours a day. Ji Ge is well aware of this, but has no intention of attacking that camera.

In the past few days, they changed positions again. Ji Ge was stunned at the time, and when he woke up, he found that he had changed positions.

It should be because they are afraid that Biangwei will reveal their stronghold.

Ji Ge let out a soft breath, and slowly groped his fingers on the wall, and soon found a line of engraved words.

The text varies in shades, but is not difficult to read.

It was the words that Yvette gritted her teeth many years ago, like a promise to herself.

"I will definitely go out." Ji Ge whispered these words, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

In the dark, it seems to be the guidance of fate, so that the mother and daughter meet here across time and space.

The girl slightly bent her eyes and told herself silently.

She will never make the same mistakes as Yvette.

 One more.

(End of this chapter)

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