Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 213 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 213 You are very sweet to bite (44)

When Jige woke up, he had already returned to the castle.

The drowsy consciousness gradually woke up, Ji Ge felt the icy temperature behind her with a slight movement, and the young man's soft hair fell on her ears, causing a slightly itchy touch.

Ji Ge blinked her eyes, slowly tilted her head, her movements were very light, the boy's eyelashes trembled, but he still didn't wake up.

Frost and snow-like short silver-white hair hangs down the cheeks, and long and thick eyelashes of the same color cover the eyelids. The young man's sleeping appearance is still unbelievably beautiful. His light-colored lips are slightly pursed, and further down, a section of delicate jade-like collarbone is faintly exposed. .

Ji Ge suddenly had a mischievous idea, raised his head slightly, and kissed Roy's chin, then broke free from the boy's restraint, quickly jumped out of bed and wanted to run.

But the slender wrist was grabbed, and was slowly withdrawn.

Roy didn't know when he woke up. There was a slight smile in the boy's eyes: "Kiss me secretly?"

"Do you want to run away after kissing, Haw, this is not a good habit."

"...What are you doing, hello—"

The cool moonlight meanders through the arched windows, breaking into fragmented light spots, and the soft candlelight flickers slightly, illuminating a small space.

In the ups and downs of the night, long silver-gray hair and short silver-white hair were entangled.

After making a fuss for a while, Ji Ge finally got down to business. Panting, she took a step back, lowered her head and pulled the clothes on her body: "...Who changed my clothes?"

"The maid changed it," said the slender right hand resting on his chin, the young man's expression showed a bit of laziness and carelessness after being satiated, and the corners of his lips were half-curved into a smile that was not a smile: "Do you want me to change it for you?"


Regarding Yvette and the new organization, Ji Ge finally chose to tell Roy everything, including the silver ring.

"This is a sacred object of the blood race," Roy explained, looking at the familiar silver ring, "it's the token of the blood race queen."

"Haw has been approved by the holy ring," Roy asked thoughtfully, "Does Haw want to be queen?"

Ji Ge's eyes lit up: "If I become the queen, then Luo Luo, do you want to marry?"

"It's beautiful," Roy twitched the corners of his lips, snorted lightly, and tapped her forehead lightly with his slender fingers: "Dream something realistic."


The group of elders of the Blood Race quickly learned about Ji Ge's affairs. After they saw the silver ring, they did not ask any further questions, and organized Ji Ge's succession ceremony in an orderly manner.

There was a housekeeper to help, and Ji Ge didn't let Ji Ge contribute half of the effort during the whole process, so she lay down very peacefully.

The only trouble is-

"Ouch..." The girl rushed to the bathroom again and vomited.

The bloody smell in his mouth lingered, Ji Ge rinsed his mouth, maybe it was a psychological effect, he always felt a fishy and sweet smell between his lips and teeth.

The blood clan relies on blood sucking for a living, but Ji Ge is a blood clan who has become a monk halfway, and he can't get used to the taste of blood at all.

The butler had the foresight to prepare a lot of high-quality human blood for her, but Ji Ge drank one and vomited one, and finally looked away after drinking it.

So when Roy came back, he saw a dying song with a peaceful face.

"Drink my blood." The boy opened his sleeves and said in a low voice.

Ji Ge was stunned, blinked his eyes slowly, and subconsciously declined: "It's better not to use it."

No matter how high-quality human blood is, it can't compare to the prince's blood. Drinking Roy's blood will indeed make Ji Ge feel better, but no blood clan who is not afraid of death dares to covet the prince's blood, unless he wants to be made a blood slave by the prince.

 One more.

  After that, it's all very sweet daily life.

(End of this chapter)

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