Chapter 230: He's always pretending to be good

Shen Sesu woke up on the third day.

Her physical injuries were not serious, but her brain was hit, causing a mild concussion.

Qin Yuanzai, as he said before, led Ji Ge to visit Shen Sesel.

Ji Singer was carrying a huge fruit basket, turned his head and asked Qin Yuanzai: "Does Se Se like to eat these fruits?"

Qin Yuan was very contradictory in his heart. While brooding over the previous break between him and Shen Sesur, he couldn't help but recall the past of the two of them. Hearing this, he glanced at the fruit basket absently, and his eyes froze immediately.

Peach, ugly orange, sweet apricot, green grape...

They are all fruits with high sugar content and sweetness, which just perfectly stepped on the dreary minefield.

She is delicate and willful, so she probably won't be willing to eat these fruits.

Qin Yuan was on the verge of speaking, and swallowed when he saw a reddish mark on the girl's fair palm, and changed his words: "She will like it."

"That's good," Ji Ge's eyebrows and eyes were curved, she picked the fruit basket according to the type that the heroine didn't like, the smile on the girl's lips was soft and clean: "After all, she is a good friend far away, I want to be with her Get along with."

Although, this is absolutely impossible.

But it doesn't prevent Ji Ge from speaking out without any psychological burden to give himself a wave of impression points.

Qin Yuan paused for a while, then quickly returned to normal as if nothing had happened, and said proactively: "The fruit basket is very heavy, I'll help you carry it."

Ji Ge came back to his senses, and handed the fruit basket to Qin Yuanzai with a smile on his face.

What Qin Yuanzai did was very much in line with Jige's wishes, after all, it was far more lethal than giving the heroine a fruit basket with her own hands.

What you can't get is always in turmoil, and the white moonlight far away in the sky is always better than the red roses close by.


Ji Ge had a smile in his eyes, and the tails of his slender fox eyes were slightly raised, revealing a passionate sparkle.

Will the white moonlight you get still make people never forget it? !

The hostess ward is bustling.

As soon as Ji Ge walked to the door of the ward, he heard the hoarse cry of the girl and the sound of smashing things. This movement was really too loud, causing the passing nurses and doctors to come here frequently. It seems.

The people living in the VIP ward are either rich or expensive, and there are very few people who are ignorant and make trouble here.

Qin Yuanzai couldn't help frowning, he opened the door first and walked in.

What he saw made his pupils constrict.

A girl in a blue and white striped hospital gown with disheveled hair, stared at the young man not far away with hatred, biting her lips tightly with hatred written in her eyes, like a very aggressive little beast with thorns all over her body. Kill the person in front of you.

Pillows fell to the ground, vases were broken all over the floor, and the ward could be described as a disaster scene.

"Get out, get out!" Shen Sesu's tears kept rolling down, she gritted her teeth as she looked at the young man she had loved for so many years but ended up ruining her own family.

If it wasn't for the people next to her desperately holding her, it is estimated that Shen Sesu would rush to fight now, and then be sent to the emergency room.

Xu Yan, who hadn't done anything, was turned livid by Shen Sesel's inexplicable temper, but he had to coax the little princess, and said in a good voice: "Surse, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Sesu could see the impatience hidden in the man's eyes, and his lips were almost bitten to bleed.

In her previous life, she must have been blind to give up Yuan Zai who loved her for many years because of this dog man.

 the third
(End of this chapter)

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