Chapter 232: He's always pretending to be good

Yuanzai even reprimanded her for Ye Jige.

Shen Sesu couldn't believe it. After a short period of daze, overwhelming grievances and sadness swept over.

Could it be that she is no better than an outsider in the eyes of a distance? !
Shen Sesur raised her hand to cover her eyes, not wanting to cry in front of Qin Yuan, the girl lay down with them on her back, pulled the quilt to cover her face, and said sullenly: "You all go."

"Surse..." Qin Yuanzai wanted to say something more, but Shen Sesel suddenly broke out: "You all get out."

Qin Yuanzai's face was livid, he just thought that Shen Sesur had just woken up and needed a good rest, so he didn't say any more, and said indifferently: "You take a good rest, let's go first."

After all, he winked at Qian An.

Qian An understood, and forcibly pulled Xu Yanzheng, who had been serving as the background board for a long time, to leave together. After leaving the ward, he smiled and said to him: "Xu Xuedi, we are in a bad mood right now, please forgive me."

"It's okay." Xu Yanzheng's shoulder hurt from being scratched, but he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. He lowered his head to hide the gloomy look in his eyes.

Xu Yanzheng knew that this sentence was both a reminder and a warning.

These children from rich families have great careers and strong backgrounds, and they are not something he can afford to provoke.

Therefore, when Shen Sesu pursued herself with great fanfare, she could only agree.

Thinking of this, Xu Yanzheng raised his eyes slightly, and glanced calmly at Ji Ge next to him.

The girl was pulling Qin Yuanzai by the corner of his clothes and talking to him, she raised her head slightly, her side face was half-soaked in the sunlight, her outline was covered with a layer of golden arc light, her black hair fell beside her red lips, swaying slightly Snow-white skin, like a rose stained with morning dew, swaying in the bright sunlight, gorgeous and gorgeous, so beautiful that it is illusory.

Xu Yanzheng felt intense resentment and resentment welling up in his heart.

Obviously at the beginning, he was the one who met Ye Jige first.

In the end, he could only give in, watching her smile like a flower beside others.

After leaving the hospital, Xu Yanzheng immediately said goodbye to Ji Ge and his party on the pretext that he was in a hurry.

"Brother Qin, this must be my sister-in-law." As soon as Xu Yanzheng left, Qian An immediately put away his whole body and looked at Ji Ge curiously.

Those who can subdue the big iceberg are absolutely extraordinary.

Because he was not in the same department, Qian An had only heard about this dancing goddess from the art department. After hearing the news that Qin Yuan was dating Ye Jige, he went to check her information. Looking at it now, it was really unusual.

"Hello," Ji Ge smiled generously, and greeted him with bent eyes: "I am Ye Jige."

Qian An clicked his tongue twice, and looked at Qin Yuanzai winkingly: "Brother Qin, do you want to get the younger ones together tonight?"

"No time." Qin Yuan was still pondering Shen Sesel's strange reaction to Xu Yanzheng before, and absent-mindedly planned in his mind to find someone to check this Xu Yanzheng carefully, while thinking masochistically that he was really It's a cheap panic, and my heart hurts.

Shen Sesu doesn't like herself.

He has always been aware of this fact.

"No way," the young man's tone was obviously perfunctory, and Ji Ge tried to smooth things over for him: "Curse is still in the hospital now, and I guess I'm not in the mood to have dinner far away."

"That's right." Qian An didn't think much about it: "They grew up together, and their childhood sweethearts have always had a good relationship."

Hearing these words, Qin Yuanzai suddenly came back to his senses, and found that he seemed to have neglected Ji Ge, and felt a little apologetic in his heart.

 Five more.

  Thank you for the reward from the little angel Youhai among the stars, and thank you for the recommendation ticket from the little angel.

  The update progress is a bit slow, I haven't written the little black room that the author conceived, try to hurry up (*︶*)..:*

(End of this chapter)

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