Chapter 237: He's always pretending to be good

It's almost half a minute away.

Shen Sesu let go of Qin Yuanzai, looked at Jige, with provocation in her eyes: "I kiss Yuanzai, sister Jige won't be angry."

This is to deliberately tarnish their own image.

Ji Ge hooked her long hair on the sideburns with her fingers, and said in a lazy and casual tone: "Why, it's just a game."

"After all, I believe that Sese is not the kind of person who digs people's corners and is shameless," the girl's lips curled up slightly, "What do you think?"

The pride in Shen Sesu's eyes disappeared without a trace, she took a hard look at Ji Ge, and bit her lip.

Are you saying you have no shame? !

This cunning and hateful vixen.

"Ji Ge!" Qin Yuanzai frowned and warned, "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking about you and Thurse," Ji Ge stared at him with his chin propped up, with a tired look in his eyes: "It's just that I saw a novel at night before, and I just posted it because of my feelings."

"Will Thurse be angry with her sister for this?"

Shen Sesur forced a smile on her face, gritted her teeth and said, "How could that be." Can she really climb up the pole and call her a ghost sister? !

While the heroine is not happy, Ji Ge is happy.

The melon-eaters on the side exchanged veiled glances, and tacitly kept silent.

Only Qian An, who had a rough nerve, didn't notice the strange atmosphere at the scene, and shouted: "Okay, next one."

The moonlight streamed down, casting a clear and light silver glow on the ground.

Ji Ge and Qin Yuan were walking side by side on the way back to the girls' dormitory.

It was very quiet along the way, and no one spoke.

Qin Yuanzai didn't stop until he reached the downstairs, and said in a shy voice: "Sorry, Ji Ge, Sese is spoiled by others, and she may often be a little impulsive when doing things, so don't bother with her."

He didn't dare to link that kiss with the possibility that Shen Sesu liked him, and even that couldn't be called a kiss.

Just a simple touch.

Ji Ge raised his eyebrows lightly, and said with a slight sneer: "I know, I won't argue with her."

Why bother with Shen Sesur about this trivial matter? !

After all, even without this, there is a deep hatred between her and Shen Sesur, and it has long been immortal.

Qin Yuan was looking down at Ji Ge, with a softness on his face that he didn't even realize. The young man took a deep breath, and stretched out his hand to hug Ji Ge.

But Ji Ge slightly sideways avoided.

Seeing Qin Yuan's obviously stunned look, Ji Ge bent his eyes and smiled, picked up his sleeve and sniffed, and said with some disgust: "It smells like alcohol, so don't touch me."

Ji Ge relied on the system to cheat and successfully became a koi. In the end, he was coaxed by Qian An and others to drink a few glasses of wine, and now he feels a little drunk.

This body has never drank alcohol before, and its alcohol capacity is average, but a few low-alcohol cocktails will not work.

The strangeness in Qin Yuan's heart faded slightly: "'s getting late, you should go back and rest quickly."

"Well, see you tomorrow." Ji Ge waved to him and entered the dormitory.

It was also a coincidence that Ji Ge had just finished washing when he received a call from Rong Huai.

"Sister," the young man's voice was clear and clear, with a slight softness at the end, which made people's ears go numb: "Good night."

"A Huai," Ji Ge walked to the balcony and asked in a low voice, "Why did you think of calling me?"

"I just want to talk to my sister." On the other side, the young man looked indifferent, but his tone was sweet. He played with a sky blue watch carelessly with his slender white fingers. His short crow-colored hair fell slightly, half covering his delicate eyebrows and eyes.

 Five more.

  Thank you for the rewards of the little angels and the recommendation tickets of the little angels.

  Because this plane has changed a bit, the previous saved manuscripts can no longer be used, so the writing is a bit slow.

  The emotional drama is behind, now let's go to the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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