Chapter 239 He is sick and he always pretends to be good (19)

On the way back, Ji Ge received a message from Chi Fan.

Chi Fan: "Jiji, are you going back to bed tonight?"

Ji Ge gave an affirmative reply.

After a while, a new message popped up on the chat page.

Chi Fan: "Then when you come back, can you help me make a meal by the way, because I'm on my period."

Ji Ge: "Yes."

Ji Ge was bowing his head and concentrating on typing, when a faint fragrance suddenly lingered beside him.

The girl's fingers paused, and she sniffed.

When dawn came, the light of the sun was blocked behind the layers of heavy clouds, and the heavy snow fell, silently covering the tall and tall cedars, covering the ground completely, dyeing it white and clean, with a thin and cold breath in the air. The air spreads, the coolness is deep, and the alienation is extremely extreme. It is clear and light, but the sense of presence is so strong that it cannot be ignored.

This was the first feeling that Rong Huai's breath gave Ji Ge.

"Ah Huai?" Ji Ge tilted his head, with a puzzled tone.

The young man spread out his phone, his red and slender lips curled up slightly: "Sister, add a WeChat, I will push Meng Lefei's WeChat to you."

Only then did Ji Ge remember that the two of them hadn't added WeChat yet, and reflected deeply in his heart whether his recent strategy was too careless.

Ji Ge blinked and said hello.

The boy's WeChat is unbelievably clean, his profile picture is the Q version of the little prince, hugging a rose under the starry sky.

Kind of cute.

Ji Ge thought slowly.

After adding each other as friends, Rong Huai quickly pushed the Meng Lefei WeChat business card that he had just added to Ji Ge, looking at the sister who had made a note on the chat page, a hint of joy appeared in his eyes and eyes.


Ji Ge returned to the dormitory on time, hooked the plastic bag with his little finger and handed it to Chi Fan: "It's time to eat, miss."

After the bed curtain trembled for a while, Chi Fan poked his head out, took the plastic bag and opened the takeaway box, his movements were weak.

"Are you okay?" Ji Ge looked up at Chi Fan and asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Chi Fan waved his hand.

Ji Ge stopped asking after hearing the words, and turned on the phone to see if there was any new news.

Skipping those meaningless news, Ji Ge was about to quit WeChat, but his eyes froze slightly.

After a while, she clicked into Shen Sesu's circle of friends.

A few hours ago, Shen Sesur posted a new circle of friends, with a picture of a hospital, a white back of her hand with a drip, and a girl's pale and haggard face, which looked nothing special.

But Shen Sesu's words are very interesting.

——Wuuuuu It's so hard to be sick, but luckily Yuan is here to accompany me.

In the last picture, a tall and straight young man came in through the door. His face was indifferent and handsome, and the pixels were extremely clear, and the faint blue and black under his eye bags were also vaguely reflected.

At the last gathering, Ji Ge followed Qin Yuan and added a lot of people's WeChat, most of which coincided with Shen Sesur's circle, so Ji Ge could see most of the comments under Shen Sese's circle of friends.

The following comments are all concerned about the little princess of the Shen family. Some people asked how her condition was, and some joked that she and Qin Yuan were here.

Some people even said: "Looking at it this way, Sese and Brother Qin seem like a couple."

Shen Sesu replied to him righteously, with a resolute tone: "Don't say that, you have a girlfriend far away, if you let Ji Ge see it, it won't be good if you misunderstand."

Ji Ge's eyelashes moved slightly, and sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and he was really disgusted by Shen Sesu's hand.

The hostess is digging a hole for her.

Probably because he sincerely wanted to scare her off.

But that's okay, I just took advantage of this opportunity to dump the male lead.

 One more.

  In fact, the first thing the author wanted to write about this plane was the little prince and his rose
  - In my lonely little planet, you are my only rose

(End of this chapter)

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