Chapter 242: He's always pretending to be good

The fingers curled into fists, and the nails dug into the flesh, bringing a blank, sharp pain.

Shen Sesu clenched her lips tightly until a faint fishy sweet smell permeated between her lips and teeth before she slowly released her strength.

Was she...was abandoned again? !
Why is it still Ye Jige? !
What brother, she doesn't want to be Qin Yuanzai's younger sister.Shen Sesu laughed when she heard it, but the corners of her eyes were extremely dry, and she was shocked to realize that she was wrong.

Far from liking myself.

He fell in love with Ye Jige.

This fact made Shen Sesu's heart start to shrink and hurt, recalling her own ending in her previous life, the girl's pupils shrank suddenly, and she took a deep breath.

She will never repeat the same mistakes.

"... Sese," seeing Shen Sese sitting on the bed with her head down, Qin Yuanzai thought that she couldn't accept the alienation of the two of them for a while, and bent down to check Shen Sese's situation.

Perhaps because of not having enough rest recently, Qin Yuanzai's eyes darkened, and he lost his vision for a while.

At this moment, Shen Sesu suddenly raised her head, grabbed Qin Yuanzai's collar tightly, as if to prove something, kissed the young man hastily.

The soft touch covered his lips, and when he realized what had happened, Qin Yuanzai's thoughts suddenly fell into chaos.

At this time, there was a "bang", and the slight sound of the bouquet falling to the ground woke up the two people in the ward.

Qin Yuan raised his eyes reflexively, and saw Ji Ge standing at the door of the ward with a shocked expression and Qian An beside her who had never expected to develop at this moment.

Qian An was like a dumb goose.

What did he see? !

Brother Qin and Sese, are they... incest? !

Bah, bah, bah, Brother Qin and Sese are not siblings, what a mess!
Therefore, Brother Qin is at the scene of cheating, and the target is Shen Sesu, who he has taken care of for more than ten years like his own sister.

And in front of his current girlfriend.

Thinking of the existence of Ji Ge, Qian An turned his head in horror.

The girl didn't seem to expect that she would see such an explosive scene as soon as she came in, her lips turned pale, she tried to take a few breaths, turned around and ran away.

"Ji Ge!" Qin Yuan was confused in his mind, but when he saw Ji Ge turn around and run away, his first reaction was to chase her.

The pure white gardenias were scattered on the ground, lonely and unnoticed.

Shen Shu's eyes flicked over Zhizi, and he lowered his head a little embarrassedly, not daring to look into Qian An's eyes, and murmured: "Brother Qian..."

Not knowing what to say next, she froze, and the ward fell into a suffocating silence.

"Thurse," Qian Ge restrained the indecent smile on his lips, and frowned in disapproval: "You did this wrong."

"I didn't!" As if she was touched by some pain point, Shen Sesu widened her eyes, retorted sharply, looked at him with almond eyes, and emphasized: "I am not wrong."

Shen Sesu clenched her lips tightly, with a strong hostility in her brows and eyes, which made people startled.

Qian An hesitated to speak, didn't know what to say, and finally turned and left in disappointment.

I don't know when something went wrong with Shen Sesu's character. She is now digging into a dead end and becoming extremely paranoid.

Qian An sighed, and thought silently: Brother Qin was responsible for all of Shen Sesur's problems, so I better not get involved in the affairs of the two of them.

Shen Sesur made a mistake before. Qin Yuan said harshly, but he still helped her deal with the aftermath. The thunder and rain were let go, but Qian An had an intuition in his heart that this matter might not be so easy to solve.

On the other side, Ji Ge quickly got rid of Qin Yuanzai.

Ji Ge glanced at the empty corridor behind him, his footsteps gradually slowed down, and he bent his eyes.

Well, the purpose of coming to the hospital today has been achieved.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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