Chapter 244: He's always pretending to be good

Xia Shan who went downstairs slowly felt suffocated.

She was only a dozen seconds late, so she felt like she had missed a century.

It wasn't just Xia Shan who was shocked, the onlookers were so frightened by this turn of events, they glanced at Ji Ge in awe, and silently took a step back.

There are two ice and snow beauties in A University, one is the well-deserved campus beauty, the light of A University Ye Jige, and the other is Chi Fan, a high-cold beauty. The admirers of the two are like leeks in the field, one crop after another It can't be cut at all.

However, the latter has a cold and indifferent personality, and never pretends to talk to suitors, while the former is too aggressive because of their looks, and few people can suppress them, so boys dare not approach them.

In terms of personality alone, Ye Jige is gentle and friendly, and everyone agrees that she is easier to get along with than Chi Fan, but this scene has overturned their previous impression of Jige.

This wave of shock has not faded away, and the scene is full of waves again.

Shen Sesu rushed out of the crowd, stood in front of Qin Yuan, stared at Ji Ge, and asked aggressively, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Ji Ge asked funnyly.

The girl's tone was slow and her tail was lazy: "It's just a breakup, haven't you seen Sister Cather?"

Shen Sesu's face was ugly, and she squeezed out a few words from between her teeth: "If you break up, break up, why do you want to stay away?"

Ji Ge tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.

The meticulously drawn black eyebrows are like two sharp knives, with sharp and beautiful lines drawn at the ends, and the slender corners of the raised eyes are full of gorgeous colors. People hardly dare to look directly at her, they are gorgeous and fierce, The appearance is flourishing to the extreme.

"Why did I splash him, don't you know?"

Ji Ge said word by word: "Or are you not deliberately seducing my boyfriend in the name of Fa Xiaoqingmei?"

Shen Sesu felt guilty, and subconsciously glanced at Qin Yuanzai. Looking at the dark eyes of the young man, his heart skipped a beat, and he held up his momentum: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Don't you admit it?" Ji Ge said aggressively, "Or is it a misunderstanding that I saw you and Qin Yuan kissing in the hospital today because I was dazzled?!"

Hearing this, Xia Shan gasped, and her hostile eyes fell on Shen Sesu, full of disbelief.

"You have to be lucky that I don't hit girls," Shen Sesur was forced to be speechless by Ji Ge, Ji Ge took advantage of the victory and pursued, her slender fingers slowly entangled her thick and fluffy black hair, and her delicate eyebrows and eyes were shining under the soft street light Hui, with amorous and bright fox eyes, crimson lips, and whiter skin than snow, she looks like an arrogant and noble queen, attacking the enemy at a low latitude.

The girl bent her lips, looked down at her condescendingly, and smiled contemptuously: "Low-grade green tea, are you having fun?"

Shen Sesu was ashamed by Ji Ge's series of words.

The outcome has been decided, and Ji Ge is not interested in beating the dog in the water, so he beckoned to Xia Shan: "Shan Shan, help me go back."

"Hey." Xia Shan immediately stepped forward to cooperate with Ji Ge's performance, dutifully followed Ji Ge back, and abruptly walked out of the red carpet under the spotlight under the spotlight in the eyes of everyone.

As expected, the big A forum exploded.

Regarding Ye Jige, Qin Yuanzai and Shen Sesel's love and hatred have been guessed into countless versions. A tall building was built on the forum, and the post became popular in a short while.

Some people even took pictures of the scene and put them up, with the words: "If Qin Yuan likes Shen Sesel, he is too blind. Our goddess is not prettier than Shen Sesel."

The photo was very blurry, but it didn't affect Ji Ge's beauty. She was already much taller than Shen Sesel, and coupled with her strong aura, her queen demeanor was extremely obvious, making Shen Sesel look like a gray ugly duckling.

 Two more.

  Let's let the plot go first, and then move on to the emotional drama.

  Huai Huai is too miserable, he hasn't shown his face a few times until now, the author almost forgot about the male protagonist... give him a hand first.

(End of this chapter)

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