Chapter 246: He's always pretending to be good

Ji Ge withdrew his hand and leaned back slightly on the back of the chair with a somewhat strange expression.

Why do you always feel that something is wrong with this person in front of you?

Facing the smiling dog eyes of the young man, Ji Ge suppressed this thought again.

Rong Huai attended a well-known private high school in City A. The tuition fee was high, and most of the students were either rich or expensive, and they were not short of money, so they chose a high-end local hotel for the graduation dinner.

As soon as Ji Ge and Rong Huai reached the door, they were stopped.

"Silent Song." The female voice was cold, slightly surprised.

Ji Ge turned his head subconsciously: "Auntie?"

Ye Zhixue walked over quickly from not far away, her eyes fell on Rong Huai who was at the side, implying to look at him: "This is it?"

"Hello, aunt." Hearing Ji Ge's address, Rong Huai behaved very well-behaved, and politely introduced himself: "My name is Rong Huai."

Ye Zhixue casually nodded to him as a greeting, and didn't pay much attention to him, but said to Ji Ge: "I just met you today, didn't you say you wanted to find a summer internship? Dinner, come with me."

Ji Ge blinked, and did not rush to agree, but looked at Rong Huai first.

The young man's expression remained unchanged, and his beautiful red lips curled slightly: "Sister, if you have something urgent, you can go first, and you don't have to accompany me to the classmate dinner."

Only then did Ji Ge smile at him apologetically: "Say to Meng Lefei and me, happy graduation."

"And Ah Huai, happy graduation."

Walking in the resplendent corridor, Ye Zhixue turned her head slightly to look at Ji Ge, and asked, "The one just now, is the child of the Rong family?"

"Yeah." Ji Ge nodded lightly.

Ye Zhixue didn't interfere much with Ji Ge's affairs, she simply mentioned a few words and skipped the topic: "Your mother, just know what's in your heart."

Ye Zhixue has a general impression of Ye's mother. Since she remarried after Ye's father's death, she has not paid attention to her anymore. The only bond between her and Ye's family is Ji Ge.

Ye Jige was unwilling to leave with Ye Mu when she was a child. She was brought up by Ye Zhixue. The relationship between the two is far closer than Ye Mu's. Ji Ge did not hide anything, and told the truth about what happened recently: " By the way, Auntie, Qin Yuan and I are breaking up."

"He bullied you?" Ye Zhixue paused slightly, her eyes showing a bit of coldness.

"It's okay, I can take care of it." Ji Ge said relaxedly with the corners of his eyes curled up.

"That's good." Ye Zhixue looked up at the plaque in the private room, and stopped: "If you can't handle it, you can find me."

The reserved room has arrived.

To Ji Ge's surprise, she actually saw an acquaintance in the private room.

Qin Yuanzai's half-brother, Qin Yuanzhao.

Young people sit in a kind of middle-aged leadership elite, tall and straight, with outstanding appearance, and they are set off with outstanding demeanor.

Ji Ge thought of a word, gentle scum, which was especially suitable for him.

She has been so busy dealing with Qin Yuanzai and Shen Sesu for the past half month that she almost forgot Qin Yuanzhao.

It's been too smooth recently, so there is no sense of crisis.

Ji Song sighed.

Not only Ji Ge saw Qin Yuanzhao, Qin Yuanzhao also saw Ji Ge.

The youth's eyes are slightly dark.

The girl's black hair, like thick black ink, was casually scattered on her shoulders, and the dark blue headband was wrapped around it, inlaid with round and delicate pearls, shaking slightly, and a smoky blue chiffon dress made her bright and gorgeous, standing upright. When Back came in, it was like a haughty and noble swan.

Seeing Ye Jige's amazement and desire in the auditorium for the first time came back to his mind, Qin Yuanzhao chuckled lightly, a little bit of interest rekindled.

 Four more.

  The author insisted on daily updates this week, it’s not easy QAQ
  Thank you little angel Xiyuan for your reward, little angels remember to study hard and make progress every day (*︶*)..:*

(End of this chapter)

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