Chapter 256: He's always pretending to be good

After the results came out, it was followed by a call from the admissions office.

In order to win this year's number one student in science in City A, University A specially called Rong Huai to visit University A, and tried their best to win him over.

Rong Huai did not refuse the idea of ​​looking at his future learning environment.

When the boy appeared at the gate of A, the seniors sent by the teacher to receive him were all stunned.

The young man's appearance is too superior, the young master with red lips and white teeth is too delicate, pure and innocent dog eyes, white and tender milk skin, obviously a sweet and soft appearance type, but his expression is cold and noble, giving him a sense of distance.

Although Rong Huai got an affirmative answer from the beginning, but the senior sister still dutifully introduced the various advantages and excellent hardware facilities of University A, a senior sister from the Admissions Office asked curiously: "Rong Huai Classmate, cough...why do you want to apply for A University?"

Although University A is considered one of the best schools in the country, University B not far from it is not bad, and it has a little advantage in science majors.

The senior sister thought that Rong Huai would not answer, but she did not expect that when the young man heard this sentence, the corners of his lips curved slightly.

The slender eyelashes are dyed warm in the sunlight, the boy's pupils are big and full, the texture is clear and clear, refracting the crystal light, just like precious gems, the bright red slender light-colored lips are slightly curved, embellished with a smile. A kind of almost soul-stirring beauty.

As a face dog, the senior sister jumped heartily and unilaterally declared that she fell in love.

Then, she heard the person she fell in love with at first sight reply in a sweet tone: "Because the girl I like is in A University."


Senior sister is heartbroken.

The love she hadn't had time to sprout suddenly died in her womb.

Woooooo good-looking people not only have good grades, but also have a young love, which is too enviable and jealous.

Jige on the other side suddenly sneezed, rubbed his nose and wondered if someone was talking about him.

Ji Ge calculated the time, and Rong Huai should be on his way to pick him up.

Today's filming is over, so she didn't waste any more time, she packed her things neatly and went outside to wait for someone.

Unexpectedly, Rong Huai hadn't come yet, but waited for an uninvited guest first.

——The male protagonist, Qin Yuan is here.

"Ji Ge," Qin Yuan's eyes lit up slightly when he saw Ji Ge, and the tall and straight young man walked towards Ji Ge, immediately attracting the attention of passers-by.

The young man's tone was uncommonly reserved, and he opened his mouth uneasily, but in the end he only uttered two words: "What a coincidence."

"What a coincidence." Ji Ge responded casually with a flat attitude.

Two seconds of silence.

Qin Yuan was trying to find a topic: "Are you filming here, Ji Ge, if you are interested in the entertainment industry, I can help you?"

His cautious attitude fell into the eyes of Shen Sese, who followed closely behind. The girl bit her lip, and a trace of displeasure flashed in her eyes.

Why does Yuan Zai want to please that Ye Jige so much? Is the friendship between her childhood sweetheart with him for so many years not as rare as the few months he and Ye Jige have been together? !
Shen Sesur felt aggrieved, and stood in front of Qin Yuan with a stinky face, and said stiffly: "Long time no see."

Ji Ge clearly understood the meaning behind her actions, she was amused in her heart, and said without mercy: "Don't see you for a long time, I don't want to see you."

"You!" Shen Sesu was furious, and just about to say something to refute Jige, a sweet and soft youthful voice came slowly from behind.

"Sorry sister, I'm late."

 Three shifts

  Thank you little angel Xiyuan for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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