Chapter 262: He's always pretending to be good

The overhead lights were bright, illuminating the banquet hall as bright as day.

Ji Ge bent his lips and smiled: "Well, I wish the senior a happy engagement."

She took out a USB flash drive from the small bag she carried with her and handed it to Qin Yuanzai, and said briskly, "An engagement gift."

What's it like to hear your beloved ex wish you a happy engagement?
There was no jealousy or unwillingness in the girl's eyes, and her tone was full of sincerity. She sincerely wished him a happy engagement.

Qin Yuan discovered in despair that what is more unacceptable than getting engaged to someone you don't love is that the person you like doesn't love you anymore.

The young man just felt that it was hard to breathe, and every second of staying here was a torment. He didn't bother to ask Ji Ge what was in the USB flash drive, and left after a hasty farewell.

Ji Ge sighed leisurely, and tapped the long table lightly with his fingertips, thinking with some regret that the hero is not very good at fighting.

The next one is the hostess.

Did these two make an appointment to come here one after the other? !

Shen Sesu had a panoramic view of the scene that happened just now, her heart was full of soreness, she took a deep breath, tried to keep calm, and stood in front of Jige.

Ji Ge looked up: "What's the matter?"

Shen Sesu clenched her fists, collected herself, reached out to pick up the goblet that was on the side, and poured a small glass of red wine: "I'm here to reconcile with you."

She drank the bright red wine in one gulp, then took a new cup, poured the wine and handed it to Ji Ge: "What happened before... just let it pass."

Ji Ge didn't move, just stared at Shen Sesur for a few seconds, and just when the girl couldn't hold back the expression on her face, she slowly took the wine glass and smiled: "Okay."

Seeing Ji Ge drank all the red wine with his own eyes, he was relieved, said a few more words and stopped staying, and returned to the lounge after leaving.

The girl waited quietly for a while, and only after receiving the notification from the people below, did she send Qin Yuanzhao an edited message: "Everything is ready."

The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, Qin Yuanzhao's face remained unchanged, and he said a few perfunctory words before bidding farewell to the partner in front of him.

The man laughed and teased: "Boss Qin is in such a hurry, does he dare to meet the haunted female fairy?"

The young man didn't answer, he lightly stroked the vermilion beads on his wrist twice with his fingers, and said gently, "Probably."

"Miss Shen," the lounge door was knocked several times.

Shen Sesu, who was in a state of nervousness and holding her breath, almost jumped up in shock, and said after a while: "What's the matter?"

The female voice was young and immature, with a bit of nervousness in her voice: "It's like this, Mr. Qin asked me to call you over."

far away?

Shen Se was stunned for a moment, then stood up immediately, and hurriedly opened the door and left the lounge: "Okay, I see, you take me there."

The waiter hummed and said respectfully, "Please come with me."

On the way, Shen Sesu couldn't help but want to ask: "Is there something wrong with Yuan looking for me?"

The waitress focused on the road in front of her, pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly: "I don't know about this, I want Ms. Shen to ask Mr. Qin herself later."


Qin Yuanzhao pushed open the door of the lounge according to the address agreed in advance.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and the curtains were drawn to create a dark environment on purpose.

Qin Yuanzhao could only vaguely see a slender figure lying on the sofa.

The young man raised his lips silently, and took a step forward. Just as he was about to get a closer look, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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