Chapter 268: He's always pretending to be good

Legs are the most important capital of a dancer, and Ji Ge knew that Chi Fan would not be brave, so he was relieved a little: "Where is the class you teach? Take me there."

Chi Fan nodded, and moved with a limp.

Ji Ge hurried forward to support her.

Chi Fan is not a native of City A, and he did not go home this summer, but found a part-time job in City A to teach children how to dance.

Unexpectedly, something happened in the middle, and I accidentally twisted my foot while teaching students.

The student had no choice but to let it go, and Chi Fan had no choice but to find a classmate to take her class for her temporarily, and she had a cold personality, and the two roommates she was most familiar with were her two roommates.

Xia Shan was still in XZ and couldn't fly back, so Ji Ge was obliged to come over to help.

Ji Ge followed Chi Fan into the class.

Chi Fan taught the elementary class, and most of the students were five or six-year-old children. They were raised obediently and well-behaved, and they were also very friendly to Ji Ge, a new teacher who came to the rescue temporarily.

Before I knew it, it was noon.

Ji Ge wiped off his sweat, stopped panting, and bid farewell to the children.

"Hey," Chi Fan called her, "It's time to eat."

Ji Ge came over and noticed the boy beside Chi Fan at a glance, he looked handsome and gentle, "This is?"

Chi Fan introduced calmly: "My boyfriend, Qi Ruo."

Ji Ge was stunned.

The ice and snow beauty of the dance department is famous far and wide, Chi Fan has outstanding looks, and there are countless suitors, but she is devoted to her studies, and even if they use all kinds of methods, she never lets go. It is recognized by everyone that the flower of Gaoling is harder to catch than Ye Jige.

Ji Ge had nothing to do and discussed with Xia Shan. The two agreed that Miss Chi Fan would probably not fall in love until very late. She didn't expect her to be so quiet, but suddenly dropped a big bomb.

The boy's personality is very restrained, his ears turn red when he heard the words, and he tried his best to pretend to be generous and looked at Ji Ge: "Hello, I'm Qi Ruo."

"Hello, I'm Ye Jige, Fanfan's roommate." Jige concealed the shock in his heart, and his emotion towards the hero in front of him was infinitely close to admiration.

——The person who can handle the flower of Gaoling is something simple.

"Okay, what are you doing watching for so long?" Chi Fan gave Ji Ge a white look: "Is my person so good-looking?"

Ji Ge smiled, and the eyes of the slender fox flickered: "Isn't this curiosity?"

Chi Fan took apart the disposable chopsticks, handed them to Ji Ge, and said angrily, "Eat your meal quickly."

Ji Ge took the chopsticks slowly, and before he had time to take a bite, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated slightly.

She paused slightly, took out her phone and glanced at it.

It's Rong Huai's news.

"Sister, I'm here to bring you food."

After reading the news, Ji Ge edited a message with difficulty with one hand and sent it: "No need, Fanfan and I are having dinner."

The next second, a video call came.

Jige didn't know why, so he chose to connect.

The video screen swayed first, then stabilized, revealing the young man's delicate and beautiful face.

The young man's voice was sweet and clean, with a light ending that seemed to deliberately seduce people: "Sister, I'm downstairs with you."

"Are you here?" Ji Ge was surprised, stood up immediately, leaned to the window and looked down.

Sure enough, a familiar figure was faintly visible under the shade of the tree.

Rong Huai seemed to be aware of her gaze, looked up, and frowned.

Ji Ge tightened his grip on the phone, and hurriedly said to the phone screen: "Wait for me."

After all, Ji Ge hung up the video call and ran out in small steps.

"Hey," Chi Fan, who couldn't figure out what happened from the beginning to the end, asked in a raised voice, "Where are you going?"

"Pick up someone." Ji Ge said without looking back.

 eighth watch

(End of this chapter)

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