Chapter 271: He's always pretending to be good

As this year's number one student in science in City A and the number one student in the country, Rong Huai will speak as a freshman representative of University A.

When the boy appeared on the stage, it caused a sensation.

He is wearing a simple and neat white shirt, black trousers revealing a small white and slender ankle, his complexion is exquisite and cold, his slender finger bones hold the microphone loosely, his fingertips are soft white, and the texture is as clear as jade.

Looks better than the photos.

The boy's voice was clean and cold, and it was amplified throughout the auditorium.

Xia Shan leaned beside Ji Ge: "Ah, Ah Wei is dead."

Ji Ge leaned against the back of the chair with a relaxed posture. Hearing this, he smiled and rubbed Xia Shan's dog's head.

Chi Fan coughed lightly: "Shanshan, you have to believe that everything is possible, maybe you can not only see the elementary school boy give a speech on stage, but also have dinner with him face to face."

Xia Shanzhi froze, and turned her head in horror: "Could it be... Fanfan, you want to start chaotically and end up abandoning, the old cow eats the tender grass, and chases the elementary school brother?"

Chi Fan choked instantly.

Ji Ge pressed her fingers hard, and gently pinched Xia Shan, who had scolded the two of them with a word, with a smile.

Xia Shan who was pinched for no reason: "?!"

Xia Shan hissed, and complained aggrievedly: "Chirp, it hurts."

Ji Ge patted the elm head in front of him, and smiled brightly with curved lips: "It's fine if it hurts, have a better memory, and stop talking nonsense."

Xia Shan who was confused and confused: "?!"

Ji Ge noticed a line of sight falling on him, and looked up.

The slender and slender figure on the stage was still reading his speech, but bit his bright red lips slightly, and looked at her and Xia Shan with some displeasure, his eyes fell on Xia Shan who was holding her arm.

The location of the auditorium was determined by drawing lots from each class. Ji Ge and her class were lucky, and the location they drew happened to be at the front.

Standing on the stage, Rong Huai could easily see the situation on Jige's side.

Ji Ge raised his eyebrows, provocatively leaning Xia Shan's arms tighter, the girl's cheek rested lazily on Xia Shan's shoulders, her snow-white face surrounded by fluffy long hair, making her small face more delicate.

Like a goblin, she smiled brightly and innocently at him.

Rong Huai's eyes darkened.

So after Rong Huai left the stage, Ji Ge received a WeChat message from the other party.

Rong Huai: "Come backstage."

The little guy didn't pretend to be obedient or coquettish anymore, and his tone was quite fierce.

Ji Ge is funny, she just wanted to tease him, but she didn't expect that the brat is really possessive, even jealous of girls.

Joking aside, Ji Ge lightly pushed the person beside her, so as not to disturb the people behind, the girl spoke in a very low volume: "Shanshan, let me go out for a while."

Xia Shan got up to make room for her, and asked in a low voice, "Where are you going?"

Ji Ge found an excuse to perfunctory: "Go to the toilet."

Chi Fan, who heard all their conversations on the left, clicked his tongue softly, and looked at Ji Ge with a bit of playfulness in his eyes, obviously guessing where Ji Ge was going.

Ji Ge pretended not to be seen, and walked backstage after leaving his position.

The students in charge of the opening ceremony all knew this celebrity from the art department, and they passed the song without saying a few words. They asked curiously, "Is senior sister Ye coming to the backstage to find someone?"

"a friend."

Silent Song slipped into the background.

The light on the aisle was very dim, and shadows cast faint shadows under the girl's feet. People kept passing by beside her, and Ji Ge didn't pay much attention. While looking for someone, she wondered where Rong Huai was?

When passing a corner, Ji Ge was suddenly grabbed by someone.

 One more.

  Sorry, some things went out today, I don't know if I can finish the fourth update, if not, the author will make it up tomorrow.

  This plane will end almost next week.

(End of this chapter)

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