Chapter 277: He's always pretending to be good

Half an hour later, Rong Huai rushed to the hospital.

Chi Fan left earlier, in the name of creating an opportunity for Ji Ge and Rong Huai to communicate alone.

——Although Ji Ge felt that she just wanted to see her laugh.

The young man walked quickly, his fine black hair was still covered with moisture, showing a bit of haste, his light-colored lips were tightly pursed, and his expression showed a bit of seriousness and indifference.

"How's the injury?" Rong Huai noticed the bandage wrapped around Ji Ge's arm at a glance, and asked in a low voice.

Ji Ge tried to hide his hand behind but failed, so he could only raise his head and honestly said: "It's a little scratched, it's not serious."

After a pause, Ji Ge asked again: "Are you angry?"

The girl raised her face obediently, her fox eyes shone in the warm night of early autumn, the slightly raised and slender eye ends were dyed with a hazy color, the thin and transparent pearls flowed in the dark pupils, and the thick long eyelashes adorned, no matter No one can resist this gaze.

Rong Huai squatted down, carefully avoided the wound, and checked Ji Ge's situation.

The boy's side face was exquisite, and he said in a low voice: "I'm not angry with you, sister."

"It's just that if you don't want to be locked up by me again," Rong Huai said bluntly, and after confirming that she was really fine, her mood improved a bit, and she pinched her earlobe: "It's better to be obedient."

Ji Ge: "?!"

Jige didn't think it was going well.

She is obviously older than Rong Huai, she should have the initiative in this relationship, but in the end Rong Huai always controls the rhythm.

Ji Ge felt that his majesty as a young lady was gone.

She wants to struggle and stand up.

Ji Ge opened his mouth, and just spit out a syllable: "I..."

The young man gave him a half-smile glance, and his bright eyes were a little dangerous.

Ji Ge: "I... will be obedient."

Ji Ge swallowed what he wanted to say in humiliation, and said with tears.

Rong Huai leaned forward, kissed her on the cheek, and said in a slightly hoarse voice:
"Sister is so cute."

Rong Huai took over the rest of the matter.

A few gangsters couldn't stand the interrogation, so they quickly explained the matter clearly.

The mastermind behind the scenes was indeed Shen Sesu.

This matter can be big or small. To put it mildly, Jige was only slightly injured, and the nature was not serious. To put it in a big way, Shen Sesu deliberately bought someone to block Jige, and the suspect had a device, which is suspected of intentional homicide.

Rong Huai didn't want to calm down the matter at all, and the action was to punish Shen Sesu to death. After the lawyer sorted out all the evidence, the criminal evidence was sufficient.

Within a few days, Shen Sesu was taken away for investigation.

Shen's father was so enraged by Shen Sesel's mindless manipulation that he almost had a heart attack. He had no choice but to find Ji Ge, the party involved, to mediate, but Ji Ge was protected by Rong Huai, and he couldn't see anyone at all.

The Rong family's power is far superior to the Shen's family, which is faintly showing the sunset, so he has no way to coerce and lure Ji Ge to change his words.

Plan A failed, so Father Shen could only start Plan B.

——Bai Hui was pushed out as a scapegoat.

The lawyer defending Shen Sesel believed that Shen Sesel was seduced by Bai Hui, so he committed a serious crime in a daze, intending to put all the blame on Bai Hui.

But Bai Hui is much smarter than Shen Sesu.

All the videos and audio recordings of her meeting with Shen Sesu were saved and submitted to the police as important evidence.

If there is no turning point, Shen Sesur's crime will be confirmed. In the end, Shen's father really has no choice but to beg Qin Yuanzai.

The Shen and Qin families have been in close contact for many years, and they have cooperated closely. It has long been a relationship in which both prosperity and mutual loss.

Ji Ge was stopped by Qin Yuan at the door of the milk tea shop.


  Thank you Jiu Nian Cheng Ge for your great reward. The author did not expect to meet colleagues, anyway, I am very happy.

  When I have time, the author must read a big book (*︶*)..:*

  I originally wanted to go through the emotional drama again, but this plane is really too long, so I will go through the plot first.

  it will be over soon

(End of this chapter)

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