Chapter 282: He's always pretending to be good

In fact, many things were revealed as early as the very beginning.

Ye Jige didn't like her canine teeth, so when she smiled, she always pursed her lips, the corners of her lips curved slightly, her smile was soft and soft, full like a new moon, she looked cute and soft, without any aggressiveness.

But the girl in front of her had no scruples, two small canine teeth drew a bright arc in mid-air, with a slight touch, it was like a sharp blade waiting to choose someone to bite, sharp and sharp.

Bright and beautiful, like poppies blooming in the dark night, vividly interpreting the swaying and wanton style.

——After she put away her deliberate disguise, she was completely different from the previous Ye Jige.

The watch was put in the bag, Ji Ge took out the phone and looked at the time, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

It's almost time for the hero to receive the second gift.

As Ji Ge expected, after a while, Qin Yuanzai's cell phone rang.

The young man's expression was numb, and he connected in a daze.

The voice from the opposite side panicked: "Mr. Qin, it's not good, we lost."

Qin Yuan was holding the phone tightly, his voice was so hoarse that the secretary didn't dare to recognize it at first: "What's going on?"

After the secretary's report, Qin Yuanzai finally understood the cause and effect.

— He lost the vote at the shareholder meeting.

The opponent didn't know when he had drawn a few people on his side, but suddenly turned against each other at a critical moment. The originally good situation was instantly reversed, and the balance of victory fell to the opponent.

Qin Yuanzai's lips were pale, revealing a thin line of blood.

How could it be possible, those were all veterans trained by his father, who had been with him for 30 to [-] years, loyal and loyal, how could he choose to betray.

"It's very simple," Qin Yuanzai didn't try to avoid people at such a close distance, so Ji Ge listened to their conversation: "As long as you promise them enough benefits, won't it be a very simple matter to win over?" ?”

The girl pouted, puffed her cheeks, and smiled: "Ah Huai has been busy for a long time for this matter."

With a bang, the call was forcibly disconnected.

Qin Yuan was sitting on the seat in a daze, his throat was so dry that he could hardly speak.

The Qin family changed hands.

He lost a complete defeat.

"By the way," Ji Ge seemed to think of something suddenly, and casually reminded: "Don't go to her too early."

The slender fingers curled her black hair in boredom, Ji Ge felt that the time was almost up, and stood up: "...After all, her last wish is to have nothing to do with you, and never see each other again."

We can't let the hero die so easily, that would be so boring.

The young man asked softly from behind: "Did me?" Even if it was only for a short moment.

Ji Ge stopped, turned around, and smiled, "What are you kidding?"

Her voice was very soft, falling low and weakly, as gentle as catkins in early spring, light and fluttering, with nowhere to focus.

However, every word is like a dagger, cruelly gouging out his flesh and blood, the pain is deep into the bone, making every nerve of him tremble.

She said: "How can a victim fall in love with a murderer?"

Ji Song left.

Qin Yuan sat on the spot by himself, lost in a daze for a long time, before slowly covering his chest with his hands.

When the knife is inserted into the heart, there is actually no feeling.

Pain is always a hindsight.

At this moment, Qin Yuan couldn't tell where the pain was, but it seemed that his internal organs were all in pain.

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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