Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 301 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 301 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (15)

The post bar of Cuiying Noble High School suddenly became lively again.

"Ahhh No.1 turned out to be an exchange student from Hanyang."

"Isn't this normal? I heard that he is always number one in Hanyang."

"Ten points higher than Yunji, is this still human?!"

"Don't say anything, let's sympathize with our senior Yun first. Ruan Zhimian took the first place in the monthly exam last time. After working hard for a month, he finally passed Ruan Zhimian and met an even stronger exchange student. .”

Everyone was silent.

It seems that it is.

Yunji is really miserable.

At the same time, the grade sheets of each class were posted at the back of the classroom for students to know their scores.

Su Huan happily sat down in front of Sui Li: "Student Sui Li, you got the first place in the exam."

"What is this?" Qi Yan, who came every class to inquire about the enemy's situation, said to You Rongyan, "Brother Li's grades have always been very good."

The person they were talking about casually raised his crow's eyelashes, playing with a pen in boredom.

The soft light fell on the young man, outlining a delicate and slender silhouette.The silhouette is picturesque.

Su Huan changed the topic after a few words of emotion, and said with some regret: "Ah Ji didn't get the first place in the exam this time, I guess he will be depressed for a while."

Hearing Ji Ge's name, Sui Li subconsciously looked at Su Huan, his clear eyes were a little dazed.

Qi Yan asked the doubts in his heart for him: "...Is Yun Ji so competitive?"

"It doesn't count," Su Huan smiled and explained, "It's just that Aunt Yun has high demands on him since he was a child, and Ah Ji is also used to doing his best in everything."

The matter of Father Yun and Yunmu is not a secret in the upper circles of City H, Qi Yan has also heard about it, and when he heard this sentence, he groaned and scratched his head, wondering if he should continue the chat.

The young man lowered his eyes slightly, and Su Huan's voice rang clearly in his ears: "But he has a restrained temperament, even if he is unhappy, he won't express it, and he will just stay alone and digest it silently."

Sui Li suddenly got up.

The boy's sudden movement startled the unexpected Qi Yan and Su Huan, the boy looked up, watched Sui Li walking outside the classroom, and asked loudly: "Brother Li, class is about to start, where are you going? "

"I'm in a hurry." The young man stopped, turned around and explained in a hurry, before leaving quickly.

Ji Ge was stopped by the camphor tree downstairs.

The young man had a gentle and beautiful appearance, and the obsidian earrings shimmered in the sunlight. He asked softly, "Student, what's the matter?"

Even when she was suddenly stopped by a strange classmate, her tone was still impeccably gentle and polite.

The girl bowed her head nervously, and said hesitantly: "Senior Yun, I saw your ranking, I came here... I want to tell you that you are really good, and one exam doesn't mean anything."

Ji Ge was surprised at first, then stretched his eyebrows and smiled: "Thank you."

"Also," the girl plucked up her courage, "I want to tell Senior Yun that I like you."

"Wow." The students passing by were immediately attracted by this scene. They gathered not far away, pretending to chat, but actually secretly watching the development of the matter.

Sui Li who ran out in a hurry happened to see this scene, and stopped involuntarily.

Sui Li's eyesight has always been very good, and he can see everything in a short distance.

He saw the petite and delicate girl holding the corners of her clothes uneasily with both hands, her appearance was cramped, her almond eyes were shining brightly, standing in front of the slender and tall boy, the picture was pleasing to the eye.

The slender and bright red lips were slowly pursed tightly, with a cold arc.

(End of this chapter)

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