Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 307 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 307 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (21)

The boy's cool eyes cast over, and there was a coldness in the bottom of the eyes.

Su Heng didn't pay attention and continued to persuade.

"No." Ji Ge resisted extremely, shaking his head like a rattle.

"Su Huan is right," the literary and art committee member suddenly interjected, looking at Shangsui Li's eyes, blushing, with a sweet smile: "If the clothes are not the right size, you have to change them, Yunji, why don't you try it first."

"I..." Ji Ge opened his mouth, and before he could utter a word, he was interrupted by Lu Ze: "Ah Ji, try it, it will be too troublesome to change clothes in the future."

The provocative Chaosui Li raised his eyebrows and said lazily, "Besides, I really want to see you in women's clothing."

Hearing the unconscious intimacy in Lu Ze's words, Sui Li pursed his lips slightly.

What kind of bad friends are these? !

Ji Ge glared at Lu Ze, but she was now a one-on-four, and she couldn't beat them at all, and finally reluctantly carried her clothes and went to the nearby bathroom to change.

There was no one else in the bathroom, and the air was very quiet. Ji Ge could only hear the slight sound of clothes rubbing against each other, which rang in his ears.

The girl who was used to men's clothes tugged at the hem of her clothes uncomfortably, walked out of the bathroom, and walked to the classroom slowly.

It's time to break up early, and there are not many students left who participated in the performance.

Only Sui Li and Suhuan stayed behind to wait for Ji Ge.

"I've changed it," Ji Ge pushed the door open, warning in advance: "Say it first, don't laugh."

Sui Li looked at Ji Ge, slightly absent-minded.

The person in front of her is wearing a light gold long dress, dressed as a girl, wearing a light gauze dress, and her waist is very slender. The tall and slender figure outlines the girl's slender lines. Blind spots of vision.

Ancient Greek aristocratic women loved gold and silver ornaments, and this dress fully embodies this feature. The rings are jingling, and the gold rings on the arms shake with a clear sound.

The young man's appearance is gentle and beautiful, like a snow-white lotus blooming in summer, every brushwork is gentle and beautiful with landscape, just right to neutralize the overly gorgeous clothes, not only being overwhelmed by the clothes, but also bringing out a rare beauty Quiet and soft, as bright as the moon.

Breathing wildly for a few beats, the boy turned his face away in a panic.

Ji Ge heard the system prompt sound: "Di, the current favorability value of the target of the raid: 48."

Ji Ge: "?"

Ji Ge slowly touched her chin, she is now wearing women's clothing, she should be considered a girl, so...

Does Sui Li like girls or boys?
Ji Song is not sure.

"It's so beautiful." The literary and art committee applauded, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Yun Ji, this dress really suits you."

Ji Ge: "...Thank you."

Can she take this sentence as a compliment?

"It's really pretty," Su Huan rushed forward, habitually wanting to pat Ji Ge's shoulder: "I was almost dumbfounded just now."

However, his hands not only failed to touch Jige, but were grabbed by one left and one right.

Lu Ze frowned, and said uncomfortably, "Don't touch it."

Sui Li glanced at him, and his tone was as cold as ever: "It will ruin the clothes."

Su Huan, who was forced to stay away from Ji Ge: "??!"

That is the brother he has known for so long since he was a child, why can't he touch him? !
What are you two doing, can you let me go quickly.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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