Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 319 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 319 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (33)

Ruan Zhimian's affairs were not exposed so easily.

The teacher on duty reported the incident to Yunzhi.

The matter of Ruan Zhimian being locked in the utility room may not be a big deal, but it may be a minor thing. If you say it is bullying on campus, if you say it is just a prank by classmates, it all depends on how Yunzhi wants to deal with it.

But Yunzhi was furious about this and asked the school to investigate, as if determined to investigate to the end.

Ruan Zhimian had just been taken back to Yun's house, and it was the time when Yunzhi had the deepest affection for her, coupled with guilt, recently he wanted to make up for Ruan Zhimian, but it didn't take long for him to make such a fuss. File matter.

Yun Zhi's face darkened.

The instigator didn't take him seriously at all, and after he showed his respect for Ruan Zhimian, he still dared to trip Ruan Zhimian with such a big fanfare.

Yunzhi smiled murderously, and made up his mind to make an example of others.

The mastermind behind it is not surprising, it is Xie Meng.

Indeed, only a mindless person like him would do such a thing.

It's a thankless effort, and there's no benefit to it other than letting Yun Zhi feel a little bit more guilty towards Ruan Zhimian.

Xie Meng was too naive to be spoiled by Yun Zhi, he didn't realize that he and his mother were just substitutes in Yun Zhi's eyes, now that the rightful lord is back, he dared to hurt Ruan Zhimian.

This is what Yun Zhi cannot forgive.

For the first time, he got angry at Xie Meng.

Seeing how angry his doting father was, Xie Meng finally became bewildered and scared. After a long and difficult half an hour, Yun Zhi said coldly, telling him to stay at home for a few days After a good reflection, he left.

He didn't even glance at Xie's mother, who wanted to pull the hem of his clothes to plead for Xie Meng.

Seeing his mother crying in the living room, Xie Meng almost gritted his teeth.

It's just Ruan Zhimian, why is his situation turned upside down.

He doesn't understand.

But Xie Meng didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

Three days later, when Xie Meng was hiding in his room, playing games to vent his anger, there was a sudden commotion outside.

Hearing Xie's mother's cry, Xie Meng couldn't sit still, and immediately threw the phone and ran out.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Yun Zhi turned his head indifferently.

Xie's mother was crying unbearably beside him, her pretty face was covered with tears and snot, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

Even so, Yun Zhi did not soften his heart.

The man said in a cold tone: "I have provided you with food and drink for more than ten years, and I have exhausted my benevolence. Now, immediately take that bastard and get out of here."

"Dad," Xie Meng didn't know what happened, but because of Yunzhi's menacing and dangerous aura, he didn't dare to approach, stood still not far from him, and said indignantly: "Mom, what did you do wrong? Why are you angry at her?"

Yun Zhi turned his head and looked at Xie Meng's face carefully.

It was carved out of the same mold as Xie's mother, with a Ruan Ruo outline, young and vigorous.

Because of that similarity, when Yun Zhi hugged Xie Meng back then, he only cared about being happy and didn't go for a paternity test.

Yun Zhi has always felt that it is good that Xie Meng is like Xie's mother.

And it was only now that he realized to his surprise that the boy's tough and handsome face did not resemble him at all.

Does she think he is easy to deceive,

Yun Zhi smiled slowly, without the slightest smile in his eyes, and said coldly: "Don't call me dad, I can't afford to call you dad."

 four shifts

  updated today
(End of this chapter)

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