Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 326 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 326 I Heard You Are Secretly in Love with Me (40)

Qi Yan looked at Brother Li in confusion.

To be honest, Qi Yan really felt that Sui Li became more and more moody after he arrived at Cuiying Noble High School.

Could it be that he was abandoned by the female goblin somewhere he didn't know? !
After thinking about it carefully, Qi Yan thinks that this possibility is not very high. Sui Li, a high-altitude flower, is usually the only one who can always abandon others. Moreover, in order to keep his skin, he has been conscientiously staring at her every day. His brother Li's every move will never leave an opportunity for any bone spirit to take advantage of.

After all, Ji Ge is the one who has the closest relationship with Sui Li recently.

The two were inseparable all day long, and their relationship was so good that he, who had been brother Li's younger brother for more than ten years, felt envious.


Qi Yan suddenly discovered some blind spot and was startled.

Brother Li, he doesn't like boys, does he? !

The chopsticks in Qi Yan's mouth landed on the table with a "clack".

The boy turned his neck stiffly, staring intently at Sui Li and Ji Ge's every move.

Ji Ge: "Are you angry again?"

Sui Li: "No."

He said no, but this man's eyes were full, hurry up and coax him.

Ji Ge laughed, and quickly admitted his mistake: "I was wrong."

"I won't ignore you next time."

The young man's voice was soft and smiling, revealing the meaning of comforting hair.

Above is the dialogue between Ji Ge and Sui Li.

Seeing Ji Ge looking sideways at Sui Li, Qi Yan said something in a low voice, then Brother Li turned his head awkwardly and answered something, his brows and eyes loosened indifferently.

Qi Yan looked terrified, how could this scene look so much like her boyfriend coaxing her little girlfriend who lost her temper.

Ah, bah, bah, what was he thinking? !

After school, after saying goodbye to Ji Ge Lu Ze and the others, Qi Yan looked hesitantly at Sui Li next to him, and mustered up the courage to say, "Brother Li..."


The lavender pupils looked over casually, the beauty was like a sparkling and magnificent sea of ​​stars, and the fine stars spread out, like a grand, unattainable dream.

And this person itself is a dream that countless girls are intoxicated and yearn for.

Back to the wind and snow, not to touch.

Sui Li said lightly, "Say something quickly."

Qi Yan stammered: "Did you fall in love with Yunji?"

Sui Li was silent.

After a long time, Qi Yan heard the boy's very soft reply: "Yes."

He had struggled with this fact countless times, but in the end he had to admit that he fell in love with Yun Ji.


Qi Yan covered her face in despair.

Woooooo, the light of hope in their Hanyang was still snatched away by Cuiying.

He failed their old class's entrustment, and he will be torn apart QAQ! ! !

Cuiying is so cunning that she resorted to a beauty trick.

Ji Ge and Ruan Zhimian drove home together.

Ever since Ruan Zhimian came back, Yun Zhi's belated fatherly love erupted, and he didn't come home too late, and came back every day, booing and asking for warmth with a kind old face.

Today is no exception.

However, the content of the greeting is slightly different.

Yunzhi: "Zhimian, next month is your birthday, have you thought about what to do?"

Ruan Zhimian twisted her fingers uneasily, and carefully looked at Ji Ge: "Eat cake with father, brother, and grandma?"

Her request is ridiculously small, but Yunzhi is obviously not satisfied with it: "It's a big birthday, so don't let it be careless, and it happens to be a coming-of-age ceremony, let me introduce you to everyone."

 one more

  Damn, I got stuck (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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